Is it normal to wonder why dog owners are more likeable comp. to crazy cat ppl?
It's a well known fact that dog owners are simply superior human beings compared to cat owners.
We choose the better, more intelligent pets, the pets that we can incorporate into every aspect of our lives, the pets whom are a staple and ever-loved equation in therapy homes and hospitals worldwide. They act as service animals, they protect us, they rescue us and they do it all unconditionally, not only because they're told to, but because they love to do what they do.
The list is endless.
Cat owners on the other hand choose the pets that seem to have no social lives, scratch your eyes out during regular PMS cycles and have no enticing aspects to them at all.
Cats are like lawn gnomes.... they look pretty, but all they're good for is decoration.
Dogs on the other hand enrich lives, touch others on a daily basis and double as a true member of your family.
Is the decision to own a dog, rather than a cat, the reason society as a whole looks at dog owners as normal and cat owners as crazy psychotic cat hoarding (even if you don't hoard) nut-jobs from Mars?