Is it normal to wonder why it seems most nonbinary people
Is it normal to wonder why it seems most nonbinary people are fat, have blue hair and ear lobe plugs?
Rather than think of them as nonbinary I think of them as genderless Smurfs.
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Is it normal to wonder why it seems most nonbinary people are fat, have blue hair and ear lobe plugs?
Rather than think of them as nonbinary I think of them as genderless Smurfs.
I wonder the exact same thing. And they always have glasses. I always assume why they can't tell what gender they are, is because they have bad eyesight so they can't tell in the mirror what gender they are. (Hence the glasses)
They usually have terrible genetics.
Doesnt non binary existing just destroy the narrative of transgenderism? How can you be born in the wrong sex if gender doesnt exist? The whole argument is you are actually a girl in a boys body. Its so stupid you can only indoctrinate kids into this because its so silly you cant convince people of this stuff. Thats why they go for the kids.
i'm enby and have 2 enby friends, none of us are fat, have blue hair or earlobe plugs.