Is it normal to worry i'm being filmed/watched?

A lot of the time I suddenly worry that I'm being filmed, like with a security camera--sometimes it makes sense (outside stores, in elevators, in my apartment building, etc) but sometimes it's sort of weird (like i'm scared of cameras in the stalls at public restrooms for example). I worry that security people are judging & mocking me or are going to share the video online. I get scared of being filmed at home too (once I even rummaged through my roommate's stuff to make sure she didn't have a hidden camera--I'm really ashamed of this--and even though I obviously didn't find one, I was scared she would know I'd done it... because she had a hidden camera).

Relatedly, I'm also scared of people entering my room w/o my knowledge to spy on me--I draw back the shower curtain before using my toilet to make sure no one's in there; while showering I'll hear noises that make me scared someone's outside the bathroom; when my roommate leaves her bed messy, I sometimes get so scared the lumps in the blankets are actually her hiding that I have to go over and poke them to make sure; + other little things on the theme of being watched.

I was diagnosed years ago with social anxiety, which is something that messes with my life a lot, but I don't know if this stuff is normal for social anxiety or if it's a symptom of something else. Does anyone know?

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Comments ( 4 )
  • miskris

    Have you reached out to a therapist about this? You say it's had an impact on your daily living so I would suggest seeing a counselor. It wouldn't be my first recommendation but medication can also help to calm you down which in affect can reduce your social anxiety symptoms.

    Sounds like you've got some things you need to talk through.

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  • Loopyloo

    I get this when masterbating, so i make it sexy as fuck, just in case ;)

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  • RoseIsabella

    I suspect I may have a touch of the old social anxiety or be socially anorexic if that's a thing. Is it normal that after reading your post I want a hidden camera of my own?

    Did your mom used to listen to your phone conversations, read your diary intercept you mail, etcetera? Mine did. I used to fantasize about using hidden cameras and booby traps against anyone who would invade my privacy. I once even wrote a curse in the front of a diary to damn anyone who would read it without my permission. I'm just curious.

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  • NomDePlume

    I have society anxiety as well, and I experience this on a lesser degree - for instance, if I'm about to use the bathroom, I occasionally worry about cameras or people watching. However, I don't experience these occasional fears to the degree that you describe.

    I don't want to end up panicking you or any such thing, though I'd say this might be a sign of something else.

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