Is it normal to worry that the government made ebola,now the poor are gonna die

Ok, so have seen a lot of stuff about ebola vaccines being marketed, the reason america let ebola victims back in was to obtain the strain so they could do their science shit with it. I heard years ago that HIV was also man made, and there is actually a cure. So what if this is so all the poor people that are on government benifits are too poor to buy the vaccine and die? what if this somehow gets mutated and becomes the T-virus? zombie appocolipse!! i already have a plan, do you!!

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Comments ( 58 )
  • KeddersPrincess

    Haha, literally just watched a video by DoseofBuckley on you tube where's he's making fun of the Ebola conspiracy theorists.

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    • Loopyloo

      really? did you see the video on youtube of the monkey wanking with a frog?

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      • KeddersPrincess


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        • Loopyloo

          jolly good

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  • thegypsysailor

    One little tiny question. Since the Ebola virus can remain a danger for some time, why would 'they' need to bring anybody to the US to get a hold of the virus, when it could be put into a vial and shipped to 'them'? It's just stupid to say, "the reason america let ebola victims back in was to obtain the strain". It makes even less sense than suggesting these viruses are man made. Nature doesn't need man's help coming up with nice little diseases like cholera, typhoid and Bubonic Plague, never mind HIV or Ebola.
    In reality, these African diseases are nature's attempt at eradicating humanity. Each strain gets a bit more virulent and more resistant to our efforts to stop it and pretty soon, mother earth will succeed and cleanse this planet of the worst plague; humanity. So your days are surely numbered and no man will have a hand in your demise.

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    • shuggy-chan

      get your tin foil hat, hurry hurry hurry

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      • Loopyloo

        oh, sorry, didnt see your little comment down there..

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        • shuggy-chan

          I was hiding :)

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    • Loopyloo

      but yes, totally agree there, people do seem to think this planet owes them something! we have majorly over populated this planet, and look at how we use other living things at commodities. best line from red dwarf. " human beings are a planetary disease? Like the Earth's got German measles or facial herpes, right? And that's why all of the other planets give us such a wide berth. It's like, "Oh, don't go near Earth! It's got human beings on it, they're contagious!"

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      • Legion

        "so, what you're saying is, you're an intergalactic puss filled cold sore? At last we agree on something!"

        ha ha, love that show.

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      • green_boogers

        I am the president of the Society to Infect Venus. We need to seed the cool atmospheric layers of Venus with GMO microbes (sinkers and floaters). It will be humanity's only legacy after we are eradicated by disease, and thermonuclear war sometime in the next millennium.

        Would you like to join our society? A Biology degree is not required.

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        • thegypsysailor

          Must we infect Venus with humans, or can we infect it with something really yucky like wasps or green ooze? Serve those Venusians right, too, living right next door yet never even saying hello!

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          • green_boogers

            Hopefully, the GMO microbes will evolve into something even yuckier and more fuckable than us. It's the irrepressible mantra of evolutionary dynamics.

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            • thegypsysailor

              Om mani padme hum, Om mani padme hum, Om mani padme hum, Om mani padme hum, Om mani padme hum......

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        • Loopyloo

          thats is lucky, as i dont have a biology degree, but hell yeah lets infect other planets!

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          • green_boogers

            That's the spirit!

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    • Loopyloo

      yes because the sane bit is when i mentioned the zombie appocalypse.

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      • DrEvil

        Take the needle out of your arm.

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        • Loopyloo

          ok ill do that, if you have a large hit of humor into your brainstem?

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          • Cuntsiclestick

            The following are things that I fear far more than getting Ebola:

            *Inhales deeply*

            *exhales while talking at a quick pace*

            -Getting the flu
            -Contracting an STD
            -Getting knocked up after using contraception
            -Gaining back the weight that I literally worked my ass off to lose. Seriously, I like have no ass now
            -The hobo I kicked out that plucks cups from the trash and steals soda from my soda machine at work
            -Bedbugs, fleas, bird mites. Hell, anything that can infest my home and cost me thousands of dollars that I don't have to spend
            -Bill collectors that constantly call me over unpaid hospital bills
            -Hugh Jackman

            *takes a breath*

            Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a Scrubs marathon to watch.

            *bumps your shoulder as I walk away from you*

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            • Loopyloo

              two of those you can deal with easily, i mean even hookers use a jollybag

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      • thegypsysailor

        Zombies are something I do not worry about. I live on a boat, at anchor not on a dock, and everybody knows zombies can not swim.
        If you spend enough time here on IIN, you will find many members worry about the zombie apocalypse, so I just take that whole thing as a given truth.

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        • Loopyloo

          hang on, you live on a boat? awesome! ive always considered myself a landpirate, lived in a van for three years, these days im pretty boring i live in a

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          • thegypsysailor

            Yep, snug as a bug in a rug, unless a hurricane comes my way. Hurricane Gonzalo just barreled through St Martin (we're in the West Indies) and damaged 80 boats so, though zombies may not worry me, big bad windstorms can.

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        • Loopyloo

          im pretty new to this site. im totally there with you with the water think, i live on the coast, there are two old unused forts apart from the odd rave lol) in the sea that ive got my eye on.

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  • green_boogers

    At this point only a few African health workers have received the experimental vaccine. They could become available on a restricted basis at the end of the year.

    What's your plan?

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    • Loopyloo

      my plan is for the zombie apocalyspe, every horror fan should have one, ebola wise maybe my plan aint so great lol.

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  • Loopyloo

    people, you are missing the point. ZOMBIES!!

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    • green_boogers

      Where is iEatZombies_ when you need her?

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      • iEatZombies_

        Hiding behind the bushes, waiting to strike.

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  • Loopyloo

    aww guys your making this well boring

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  • disthing

    i already have a plan, do you!!



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    • Loopyloo

      i made tin foil bra n panties too wanna see?

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      • disthing

        Sounds like you're preparing to be baked in an oven.

        Can I baste you?

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  • Avant-Garde

    "T virus"? It has mutated into one or two other strains. The Canadians, long ago, created a vaccine that is 100% effective in protecting the body and fighting the Ebola virus. They are doing trials in the US. The Ebola virus is found in bats and the HIV virus in monkeys. Both are bushmeat and are consumed. It is believed that the current outbreak came from the consumption of bushmeat and infected many from a soothsayer/witch doctor's (?) funeral. Sometimes, I do wonder about the US government and the CDC. All they had to do was ban travel to and from the effected countries. Also, that doctor in NYC could have effected others. The body sweats and produces natural oils. He went bowling. It isn't uncommon for people to sweat while playing, if he sweated in the ball and another person played with it, before an hour (or is it 7 hours) was up, they could've gotten infected. The same could be said if he got his sweat on a subway pole. If he sneezed, surely it would have gone airborne. I don't believe in vaccines, but the Canadian vaccine may be one vaccine that I may end up getting.

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  • Loopyloo

    oh my god are you taking my post seriously? zombies were mentioned fer fook sake!!

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    • Loopyloo

      ooooh did someone just delete their comment? ouch

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  • Loopyloo

    I think they are all still experimental, tell me what you hear!!

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  • Petrichor.

    Wait, is there really a vaccine? I haven't read anything about ebola in the past week or more, but there was no talk of a vaccine back than. I need to go see if what you say is true. Bye IIN!

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    • disthing

      Bye Pete

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