Is it normal try and fix relationship with stepdaughter and her to ignore me

so my stepdaughter and I have the worse relationship ever.I really am a bad person and want to fix it but don't know how. my wife said if I fix it we can have sex 5 NIGHTS a week instead of three. So I have tried forcing conversations with her about flies on the wall , the proper way to do almost everything, picking dog poop out of the yard and how she should of became a lawyer she either ignores me or says something completely sarcastic.Or tells me we don't have to be friends we should just be polite to each other when she visits.
I have tried everything to make her like me including constantly walking in and out of the door asking her what she is doing following her and her friends around. They think I am hitting on them which is not my intention at all.I would never date a millennial they are too young and their whole generation is taking America to hell...

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38% Normal
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Tealights

    It sucks that you're putting in all this effort for sex instead of just wanting to be a good father-in-law.

    The best you can do is give her space and treat her like an adult. As sincerely as you can, tell her you understand that she doesn't like you and that you can't force her to like you; so you're going to give her space and be polite, but assure her that if she ever needs advice or a fatherly talk, you're always there no matter what.

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  • pizzabrowniesushi

    seriously leave her alone
    stop picking on her to teach her life lessons
    stop making fun of her weight and calling her miss piggy
    stop seeing her as competition for your wife's affections
    I can't believe this guy gets laid more than me :(

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    You really don't like her at all, do you. "Millenials are taking America to hell"? Seriously? That's the most cliché grumpy old guy thing to say. They've literally been saying that since the beginning of time. Remember back when you were young. When your favourite music was "not real music" and your generation "the worst ever". If back then you had a step father like that, would you have liked him? I bet not.
    No matter how nice he played you'd always know he's looking down on you. So unless you're an amazing actor, the only way you'll get her to like you is by ACTUALLY LIKING HER. Take a real interest.

    Also the way your wife is using sex as a tool to get what she wants ... Sorry for that.

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  • Ellenna

    In what way are you a "bad person"? What did you do to cause her to dislike you so much and how is stalking her going to improve her opinion of you?

    She sounds like the only normal one out of the three of you: your wife is idiotic to try and use sex as a bribe and you sound seriously creepy to me.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Yep because you stole her dad you homewrecker

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  • charli.m

    Stop lying.

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  • Murun

    "The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teacher."
    Socrates, circa 400BC.

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  • Azaman

    Go die in a pit, shit stain.

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