Is it normal us's republicans are the biggest terrorists?

Iran never ever harmed the US in anyway, Iran isnt the country that goes around invading other nations and bombing children. Rather in 1988 US shot down an Iran passenger plane killing 200 + innocent people on board unprovoked, and Vice President George Bush Sr. refused to apologies saying the US never apologies no matter what mistakes they make. It was only after Clinton got elected the US apologized in the 90s but by then Iran had an irreplaceable grudge on the US, yet they never ever harmed the US in any way no matter they said death to US. In 2003 with false claims of weapons of mass destruction George Bush Jr started the Iraq War, the reality was that Saddam wanted to stop supplying US oil and he had every right to as Iraq was a sovereign nation, so US attacked them and killed 100,000s of people including women (some rapeed) and children. Obama said it was a "big mistake", calling it a big mistake does not change the irreplaceable damage done and it is by destabilizing Iraq US is responsible for the creation of ISIS that wrecked havoc in the middle east and even Europe throughout the 2010s decade. But instead of stopping ISIS, Iraq is now after Iran, killed General Solemani calling him a terrorist when Iran never conducted a single terrorist act, it is the US who is the biggest terrorist that bombed children in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq, and they are using the terrorist excuse and instead for going after terrorists like ISIS they target Iran with greed for their oil and to rape and kill their women and children. Its no wonder why North Korea justifies their reason to save themselves from the US, if they did not have nukes the US would attack them too. Trump is a puppet, the world knows he is crazy and the Republicans are using him the mad man theory to justify the war with Iran. If you claim yourself as terrorist slayers go after real terrorists like ISIS, stop harming innocent nations like Iran. I hope Democrats win the 2020 elections, Republicans are oil greedy war mongers, but I respect the Democrats and Presidents like Clinton and Obama they support world peace. I hope the US and Iran resolves differences diplomatically and Iran doesnt end up like war ravaged Iraq, Syria and Lybia which were all prosperous nations in the 1990s (Lybia had higher gdp during Gaddafi's time than most European nations, today its totally ruins). US in the name of establishing democracy attacks nations to get their oil and other prosperous possessions. I hope the US stop this and never bombs children anywhere again and work together in peace with countries like Iran !

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Comments ( 22 )
  • Fugazi,again

    The democrats are just as bad. The American government in general is the biggest terrorist organization ever

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    • LloydAsher

      What the hell? You do realize our allies FORCED us to become world police right? If every ally had just as good military we wouldnt need to serve our collective intrest as much. Instead the EU would be steamrolled by russia if the usa wasnt so militarized. The socialist northern european countries can only be so because they dont spend shit on defence because they shuffle the burden to the United states.

      Granted no military action in the middle east has worked. Though I think it's because of the radical differences due to culture rather than the action itself.

      I currently like the military system we have today. (I'm a USN vet) we have the wars far, far away from our own interests. I rather have wars on their turf rather than our own.

      More countries need to industrialize and set up trade deals with their neighbors so they dont have to live in such poverty where joining a terrorist group isnt a feasible option.

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      • LifeIsWhatever

        Why war at all?
        I think if America stops acting like children maybe a possible war won't be happening.

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        • LloydAsher

          Trump deesculated things. Iran just shot down a passenger plane so I think they are the ones that are taking this too seriously.

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          • Learn to spell deescalation, don't edit your mistake to hide your stupidity, I have screenshot, also your claim Iran shot the plane has zero proof it was an Ukraine to Iran plane , most passengers killed were Iranians and its more likely US shot it down. Russia has been blamed too due to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war since 2014. But it was just an accident, and plane crashes happen everywhere and Iran will never kill their own people. Trump deescalated things out of pressure from democrats who do not go on waging wars, bombing children. You are a proof what delusional Trump supporters are like, people who can't spell, give false accusations and defends all the crimes committed by the Republican party. You understand nothing about politics and know nothing about history when US destroyed peaceful nations just because of their greed for the rich resources like oil, coal, etc. Anyway I respect the Democrats who can maintain world peace !!

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      • Fugazi,again

        Yep thats what they tell their citizens

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  • litelander8

    TLDR. Lamass content, OP.

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    • I hate when people don’t break up their question into paragraphs.

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  • MrMercury24

    Referring to Iran as an "innocent" nation might be the best comedy I've heard this decade.

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    • LifeIsWhatever

      America isn't innocent either so don't act high and mighty.
      No place on Earth is "innocent."

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      • MrMercury24

        Not high and mighty. Never claimed to be. Just calling out this post's ignorance.

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        • LifeIsWhatever

          Well, when I read the comment that is what it look like to me. I apologize.

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          • MrMercury24

            It's ok homie.

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  • Fugazi,again

    Clinton and Obama support world peace? More like they support introducing crack to black neighbourhoods and trafficking children to Epstein island

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    • LifeIsWhatever

      Obama isn't starting a war is he?

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  • Anyway I won't continue posting here, I don't want to become a tyrant's target like the brave Edward Snowden who was exiled for telling the truth.

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  • LifeIsWhatever

    You got a point I'm ashamed to be an American personally. Ever sense I learned are history. I'm scared for war like anyone else but I hope we compromise like we've always done I hope people at the white house act like adult men and women and I hope Iran government does to, doing what's best for both sides.
    Trump is man child and thinks he can effect peoples lives and not have any consequences.
    America is not a great place it never was. (Well the world's not a great place.)
    We slaved people then later on told African Americans and Mexicans to go back home when this isn't even our home the land that we lay on belongs to the Natives and we killed them and drove them out of their rightful land.
    I hope Trump doesn't get reelected in 2020's election.

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  • controversy

    Its a good post but u should've used paragraphs and spacing.

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    • LloydAsher

      Maybe trim out 200 words as well.

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  • Mammal-lover

    It's the Republicans it's the u.s in general

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  • LloydAsher

    Supporting trespassing and destroying a us embassy is equivalent to trespassing and trying to kill US sovereign territory. Iran wants to control iraq by separating the usa from them. Bombing a known terrorist leader is completely justified under trumps role as commander and chief.

    Think of the president as the sword and the Congress as the purse. The president can take military action and the congress controls funding for continued action.

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    • The attack on the embassy was on Iraq not Iran and that was a response to missile strikes by US earlier that month, do you expect the world to stay quiet and give US a free pass to everything? Typical hypocritical Republicans ! And US has 0 right to control Iraq, Iraq was a sovereign nation before 2003 and deserves to go back there, US attacked them on false claims of weapons of mass destruction, in reality invaded them to steal their oil (which Iraq had every right not to give US), and by destabilizing Iraq the US allowed created ISIS. But instead of fighting terrorists like ISIS, Republicans want to fight Iran, the Republicans are the biggest terrorists. Hopefully Democrats win in 2020 election and bring back world peace !!

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