Is it normal us's republicans are the biggest terrorists?
Iran never ever harmed the US in anyway, Iran isnt the country that goes around invading other nations and bombing children. Rather in 1988 US shot down an Iran passenger plane killing 200 + innocent people on board unprovoked, and Vice President George Bush Sr. refused to apologies saying the US never apologies no matter what mistakes they make. It was only after Clinton got elected the US apologized in the 90s but by then Iran had an irreplaceable grudge on the US, yet they never ever harmed the US in any way no matter they said death to US. In 2003 with false claims of weapons of mass destruction George Bush Jr started the Iraq War, the reality was that Saddam wanted to stop supplying US oil and he had every right to as Iraq was a sovereign nation, so US attacked them and killed 100,000s of people including women (some rapeed) and children. Obama said it was a "big mistake", calling it a big mistake does not change the irreplaceable damage done and it is by destabilizing Iraq US is responsible for the creation of ISIS that wrecked havoc in the middle east and even Europe throughout the 2010s decade. But instead of stopping ISIS, Iraq is now after Iran, killed General Solemani calling him a terrorist when Iran never conducted a single terrorist act, it is the US who is the biggest terrorist that bombed children in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq, and they are using the terrorist excuse and instead for going after terrorists like ISIS they target Iran with greed for their oil and to rape and kill their women and children. Its no wonder why North Korea justifies their reason to save themselves from the US, if they did not have nukes the US would attack them too. Trump is a puppet, the world knows he is crazy and the Republicans are using him the mad man theory to justify the war with Iran. If you claim yourself as terrorist slayers go after real terrorists like ISIS, stop harming innocent nations like Iran. I hope Democrats win the 2020 elections, Republicans are oil greedy war mongers, but I respect the Democrats and Presidents like Clinton and Obama they support world peace. I hope the US and Iran resolves differences diplomatically and Iran doesnt end up like war ravaged Iraq, Syria and Lybia which were all prosperous nations in the 1990s (Lybia had higher gdp during Gaddafi's time than most European nations, today its totally ruins). US in the name of establishing democracy attacks nations to get their oil and other prosperous possessions. I hope the US stop this and never bombs children anywhere again and work together in peace with countries like Iran !