Is it normal utility worker hits dogs with metal wrench?

Just read that a Texas Utility worker just knocked the crap out of two dogs!!

Voting Results
18% Normal
Based on 44 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • BlackyHancock

    Yes normal.

    He did the right thing.

    I was bailed up, attacked by a dog while I was walking, simply minding my own business last week. If I had a firearm I would have happily shot the dog in the head and walked away laughing.

    All because stupid dog owners have their stupid dogs off the leash in public places and do not have effective control of their insane animals.

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  • Momsbadseed

    Did this sissy even call ahead,contact the owners before entering the yard? If so,he could have been defending himself,but sounds like he didn't or his company didn't !

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    • FYI utility companies don't have to make an appointment to turn off your service. He followed company procedures. They were home and filming the whole thing, obviously they let the dogs out and didn't call them in on purpose. Instead of getting their dogs out of danger and calling them into the house they let them stay outside in harms way..... Is this a responsible pet owner?

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  • MissKira

    If it's self defense totally

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    • These days dogs are of high status in our society. Hitting a dog is like hitting a 2 year old child.

      In reality dogs are not human they are not peoples kids and they can kill and/or do very bad bodily damage.

      People think dogs are just so cute and treat them like they are babies or children. Its still a dog with teeth.

      The owners actually expected the worker to not protect himself and let the dogs bite him instead.

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      • MissKira

        Agree completely.

        I once had a neighbors dog bit at my leg so I kicked it as hard as I can a few times. It shouldn't have been off its leash to begin with.

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        • On a leash for sure.

          What about some of these people who think its okay to let their dog come up to you and smell you? I'm like WTF!?!??! Get out of my personal space for one and most of all get this f'ing dog away from me!!

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          • MissKira

            Depends on my mood I guess and the dog, if it's leashed or not. I'd probably let it if everything seems fine otherwise... Getting beat.

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  • IMissMary

    Good I'd sue the homeowners for reckless endangerment and emotional trauma.

    I'd say I'm having nightmares about dogs attacking me and can't sleep. I now have a intense fear of all dogs and can't go over family and friends houses.

    Stupid home owners/dog lovers. Put the dog up or expect it to get beat down.

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    • 8=====D~~~~~

      If a utility worker or anyone for that matter came after my dog, they better come after me also, because I'm damn sure coming after them.

      And not with lawyers/cops either....

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      • IMissMary

        If a Utility worker comes into your yard why would you leave your dog outside?

        Trying to prove you are a bad ass only leads to someone or something getting hurt.

        In this case they should have called their dogs inside and let the worker turn off the electricity or do what ever job he had to do.

        Texas is a right to carry state so IMO he should have shot the dogs. He has a right to do his job and a right to protect himself while doing his job.

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        • 8=====D~~~~~

          Yes, that's all fine and dandy. He's doing his job.

          Simple fact of the matter is I know my dog would never harm another person. He has zero aggression and has never even hinted at anything but total attachment to any human he comes across. So anybody who beat him up would have no argument as to justifying it.

          So like I said, they better beat me up while they're at it.

          If you don't like dogs that's fine. But to advocate that someone who beats up a dog was just doing their "job" is ridiculous.

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          • IMissMary

            If you see the video you'll see the dogs were going to attack him. These were not some small ankle biter or a wag-my-tail lets play dogs.

            I get what you are saying. Going out of your way to attack a dog or anything that obviously means no harm is wrong.

            My POV is the homeowners were irresponsible owners for letting their dogs be in danger and remain in danger after being hit. A dog is like a kid in a lot of ways, even though they can bite its up to the owners to protect them...and to protect anyone who might be harmed by them.

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    • Momsbadseed

      Come on over and beat down my dogs you fucking pussy! Do you beat down kittens,baby ducks also? I live to FUCK up ashore who hurt animals and will gladly beat you to near death!

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