Is it normal visiting therapist

I'm going to see a therapist next week, and I'd like some advice on how to act when I'm there. I honestly just see it as a waste of time, all they do is converse with you for an hour, chit chat isn't going to fix my mental problems.

I've been to a therapist once before a few years back, and it didn't help at all. I'm thinking about just fucking around with the therapist and agree to everything they say until I can go back home. The only reason I'm going is because my mother is forcing me to because I have anxiety and don't like going outside :/

So what should I do when I see the therapist? I'm honestly thinking on telling them something fucked up to prank them.

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Comments ( 17 )
  • Pure_Rage

    wow you ungrateful fuck, I've been dying (literally) to go to therapy, but no one hears me out. You're lucky your mom cares as much to get you help.
    I say, use it to your advantage. Instead of getting taken away because you're pretending to be a danger to others and yourself. everyone has problems, you have the opportunity to fix yours, use it.

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    • YourgreatestFear

      I agree with you pure rage, this turd lard sitting behind the computer doesn't want help from a therapist, but posting on iin is the solution to his problems. How original.

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      • I did not ask for the people of this website to solve my problems, maybe if you could read more slowly and spell out the words so your mind can comprehend the english language, you will find that I only seek advice to fuck around with the therapist who I don't give a fuck about, the reason why I posted this.

        Nowhere in my post do I state I want your help in fixing my anxiety you dolt.

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    • If you're 'dying' to go to therapy, then go. Unless your family is holding you hostage, I see no reason why you can't phone up to make an appointment.

      My mother doesn't care, she sees it more as a nuisance and threatens to take me to an asylum if I don't go. Caring mother, eh?

      Yeah, talking to a complete stranger for an hour is just going to make my anxiety completely vanish. Right.

      Tried it before, therapist talked about useless feelings and made me play UNO with her. 10/10, playing board games cured my illness instantly. Not.

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      • Pure_Rage

        My insurance doesn't cover mental health, and my father doesn't believe that I need the help, he refuses to fund it. Asshole.
        First step to fixing your 'problem': you need to want the help. That form of therapy might not work for you, but there are others that you can try. Even meds. Have you ever thought about why you have a lot anxiety ? Do you have any coping methods ? These are all things you can talk to your therapist about, you know, instead of playing uno.

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        • Ah, your dad sounds pretty stupid. Maybe try saving up some money overtime and paying for one, there are also websites where you can talk to people for free that try to help however they can. (Theres actually a pretty good one I used to go on, unfortunately I've forgoten the name but if I remember it I'll get back to you.)

          I think the reason it doesn't work is because I don't really want help, I mean I understand I have a problem, however it isn't terrible and I at least go outside once a month or so, it's not like I haven't gone outside for three years.

          I've thought about taking meds, my mum doesn't mind it however I live with my dad and not her, and my dad has told me he doesn't want me taking anxiety/anti depression meds and wont take me to get some.

          I panic usually when around large crowds or strangers, I can cope with small crowds as long as I'm with someone I trust such as a close friend or family member. Loud and fast movements scare me, I get incredibly anxious and feel like someone is going to kill me or a stranger will try to do something. That's when I start to panic and feel like I need to leave immediately or else I will die.

          I don't really have any coping methods, I guess being with a close friend calms me down more then being alone, being with animals always relaxes me as I feel I can trust them more. I've thought about getting a dog that is trained to help people with anxiety but my dad hates dogs (and cats) so he wont let me get one, so I only have two birds at the moment :(

          I've talked about this before with my previous therapist, all she suggested was to breathe out and breathe in, or "don't worry about it, just keep your mind busy :)" which is basically impossible when I feel like I'm about to be murdered.

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          • noid

            How many therapy sessions did you have?

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          • Ellenna

            I don't understand why you say you don't really want help. If you want to stay in this state of anxiety and fear go for it, but it doesn't sound like much of a life to me: it's your decision.

            The therapist you describe sounds like one of the superficial quick fix ones: certainly mindful breathing can help in a crisis but the suggestion to just keep your mind busy isn't useful in my opinion.

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      • Ellenna

        You're just making excuses: because one therapist wasn't any use you're assuming they're all the same, which is just ridiculous.

        Talking to a therapist for an hour for weeks or months could very well ease your anxiety, why are you hanging on to it so tightly?

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  • Pure_Rage

    Thanks, I appreciate it !

    And I am not a professional, but I can try.

    Okay, so its good that you can acknowledge your problem, but I don't think you can see the severity. Going outside once a month can seriously F up your future man. How long has this been going on for ? How old are you ? Have you finished high school ? Do you plan on attending college ? And have you done any drugs ? (It actually effects a lot)

    Meds don't work for everyone, but it does help most. If you do go to the therapist, you can try and get him/her to convince your father to pay a visit to your psychiatrist (they can prescribe).

    Keep your friends close ! Its actually really good to keep them around so you can get used to other people. You seem too paranoid that someones trying to kill you, has anything happened in the past that might of traumatized you ? Have you ever been bullied, robbed, mugged, raped/molested, or beaten ?

    You said that you live with your father, so I'm just gonna assume that your parents are separated. Does it bother you? Do you have any siblings? This could be a reason for your trust issues. Have you ever had a bf ?

    Its good that you have ways to help you cope, I also love animals (I have a dog, cockatiel, and a turtle) Your father should be more supportive ! I guess if he doesn't want animals to be running around, then you could go for something that has a cage, hamster, lizard, fishes, etc, etc.. You can even try teaching your bird a few tricks when you're stressed and need t take your mind off things.

    You might want to consider getting a new therapist, one that actually likes their job lol. I mean shes not completely wrong, it is good to keep busy when coping, but not on your level. I think you should force yourself to face your fears. Have your best friend walk around with you at least once a week, hold her hand if you have to or wear head phones and play your fav song, even if its just around the block. Its a start. Good luck.

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    • You're welcome! It's been going on for a couple of years now, I've recently finished school so I do admit it has become worse since now I don't really have a purpose to go outside anymore. I'm on and off about college, I'd love to do a course but I feel that I wouldn't be able to do it by myself. I've never taken drugs haha.

      I'll talk to the therapist and see what they sugest, if they think putting me on meds is the best option I'll go for it :)

      I do keep my friends close although I don't have many friends, but their either to far away to visit or are too busy doing their own thing to come hangover or go shopping, so I mainly only talk to them on Facebook.

      I was bullied as a child growing up so I would come home with bruises as a kid. One time a kid punched me so hard I had temporary amnesia lol. The teachers also abused (nothing sexual, they would make me sit away from everyone, tell me I'm a waste of space, treat me like I was mentally inept, etc.)

      My parents have been divorced since I was around six, it did use to bother me alot however I don't really care now. I have a younger sister although we aren't that close, and no I've never had a bf haha.

      Aw cute, what kind of dog do you have? I also love cockatiels, thought about getting one sometime :p

      Yeah, my dad generally doesn't like animals that much, he uses excuses like animals are dirty and cost money to keep.

      I actually really like rats and snakes, I use to have a pet rat but never had a snake. Would have to move out though to get one because my parents hate thrm lol.

      I'm actually teaching my birds to talk, the budgie knows a lot of words, right now my ringneck only knows how to say hello because he's still a baby and I only got him a few months ago.

      I'll see how I go with this therapist, if I don't like them I'll try and switch to someone else.

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  • Myghoul2099

    don't say anything about hallucinating or violence or psychosis or split personalities or taking drugs.

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    • i know bro, they'll probably lock me up if i say any of that haha

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  • Goku19

    I have never seen any therapist, what are they supposed to do ?

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  • Eat.My.Fuck

    You have to have a desire to make progress with a therapist. Being forced to go isn't necessarily going to help anything. You're only going to get out what you put into it. And yeah, I agree with you. Talking for an hour isn't going to help your mental problems. The truth is that you know exactly what it is you need to do to fix your problems. You can talk about them till your blue in the face but it's not going to fix them until you go out and start trying.

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  • Pure_Rage

    hmm.. It sucks that you have to put your life on hold, you seem like a nice girl.

    Yes! Talk to your therapist :)
    Less friends are actually better, just as long as you're not lonely, and have someone to talk too. I only have like 3 bros (close friends), and the rest are just regular friends. I asked if you had a bf because I wanted to see if you ever trusted someone in that way. Also, sometimes break-ups can be traumatizing.
    I'm sorry that happened to you, I really fuckin hate bullies and those teachers are going to hell. School is where you get the most social experience as a young individual. When you get neglected or bullied at such an early age it really messes with your social skills. You can even get long term effects like depression, internalizing symptoms, Anxiety, etc, etc.. which all ties into social isolation.
    Ah parents suck sometimes, but its great that it doesn't upset you anymore. Mines split when I was 8, I know how hard that can be. I just hope your little sister feels the same way you do, its sucks to be so young and so confused.
    I've had Yorkshire Terrier's (Yorkies) all my life, their really cute. I'm thinking about getting a mini husky for a change though, I only like the small dogs :) Your father is so cold, my family and I have a bigger heart for animals then humans lol. I always wanted a rosy boa, but I had to settle for lizards instead.
    Wow, you deserve a gold prize, I cant even get my cockatiel to come next to me, I think she only likes girls. Do you put them in the same cage ?

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    • Yeah, it seems to be less drama with less friends, I actually tried going out my way to have more friends when I first started highschool, I think I had around 20, but it led to so much drama and fights I just cut everyone off and only saw my friends who I was really close to.

      Sorry to hear your parents split too, my sister had been upset about it like me but she is growing out of it now. Aww, I love Yorkies! My mum loves small dogs too, she really wants to get a Shih Tzu because she had two before. I tend to like bigger dogs though like German Shepherds, but I don't mind small dogs :p

      Yeah, my dad is pretty negative alot and he has a short-temper so it can be hard to live with him sometimes, but generally we get along so long as I don't get in his way much.

      I love boas, I'd love to get one or a corn snake, their so small and cute haha. Aw, you should maybe try giving your cockatiel treats like fruit or something she loves to eat, do that everyday and she will start to trust you, or put your hand in her cage for a few minutes a day so she gets used to you.

      The budgie and ringneck have their own cages but their beside eachother, they do get along alright when I let them out however the ringneck can sometimes get a bit annoyed because the budgie always tries to kiss him lol, so that ends up with the ringneck chasing him off or trying to nibble him. I don't really trust them together because the ringnecks beak is so big and sharp, if he wanted to he could easily hurt the budgie so I make sure their supervised when together.

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