Is it normal we need to let china and india know

We (western world, white people, whatever) need to let China and India know that we have already made the stupid fucking mistakes that they are making right now.

China is poisoning the shit out of the whole world with Mercury and India is taking over country's one by one and turning everyone into underpaid slaves.

We should probably tell them it's already been done and the results weren't good.

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59% Normal
Based on 39 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 45 )
  • thegypsysailor

    What a great idea. Let's antagonize the two most populous countries on the planet and see where that gets us. Anyway, what do you think gives us (the US?) the right to tell any other country, anything? Are we such a shining example of truth and virtue?

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    • Us all dying from Mercury poisoning gives us the right, do some research into it, China's not just killing themselves there killing everyone else to, if they keep pumping mercury into the atmosphere at the rate they are now we are going to see the end of human kind in our life time.

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      • thegypsysailor

        Oh, please. The US is a huge polluter and won't sign many of the treaties most other countries have already signed. If you die from mercury poisoning, you can be pretty damn certain it was a US company that killed you, not one half way around the world. Who do you think China and India are modeling their modern industry after? The US. Perhaps it's you who needs to do a bit more research and stop taking your information from CNN at face value.

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        • I got my info from a magazine I was flicking through at the airport actually!

          And guess what Gilligan, China is the worlds #1 carbon emitter.

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          • thegypsysailor

            Guess what? I don't give a shit! I'm old and I'm going to die soon and you all can try to do something about all that crap. Then, when you are old like me you will understand that the rich will get richer no matter how badly it fucks up the planet. Then you won't give a shit any more, either!

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          • CountessDouche

            Cause china has purchased more carbon credits.

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            • Those carbon credits don't stop the billions of tons of mercury being dumped into the ocean which then makes it way into the atmosphere gets blown all over the world and rains down on us all.

              China is shitting all over us and were paying them for the privilege.

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      • Anonnet

        I actually agree with Gypsy here. We can't just start bullying other countries, you're exaggerating the problem, and pretending that we can fix it. Words won't do anything, so what do you propose we do?

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        • I don't want to use words I want to use weapons. Eliminating China would have a huge, positive impact on the environment globally in a short period of time.

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          • Anonnet

            You think blowing up the entirety of China will have a positive effect on the environment? Are you serious? Or is it that you want to invade China and take over for the sole purpose of stopping pollution?

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            • Eliminate the military.
              Destroy all infrastructure.
              Contain hazards substances.

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          • Riddler

            Are you FUCKING RETARDED? WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK THE US gets so much of their materials from? Clothes, shoe laces, pencils, pens, all those little everyday things you never think about but we use everyday.

            That crap comes from China, Korea or Taiwan. Mostly china. US has got the hugest debt to China right now and US is so dependent on foreign goods it would not survive if it destroyed one of its suppliers.

            So if the US decided to turn China into a rock guess what? The US WOULD FALL APART! As well as allies China was Allies with US in world war 2. So you are telling the US to turn on its Allie.

            Not to mention the cost of everything would go way way up because US gets everything imported so damn cheap because its made with cheap products and labor from a bunch of Poor workers. Its pathetic how stupid you are.

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            • Incomplet

              Pretty much this.

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          • IndianInSouthAfrica

            are you fucking kidding me? because obviously nuclear warfare or whatever other ignorant paln you have would be the solution.

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  • howaminotmyself

    But I want this new plastic made in china crap for my collection.

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  • anti-hero

    Maybe if the USA paid China back the Trillions of dollars they are owed, then China could afford to clean up their act and help their pooor.

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    • Nice one, if China are so poor how can they afford to buy Australia's most valuable farming land.

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      • anti-hero

        There is a immense gap between the upper and lower classes there.

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        • That's right, if the US did pay back China do you think the poor would get any of it.

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          • anti-hero

            Pooor wasn't a typo. I meant it with a hint of sarcasm ;)

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  • dom180

    On the contrary, to people in power the results look very good. The West has a large middle class and more wealthy top 1% than ever. The prevailing, global system is one where human rights aren't the bottom line - capital is. To any well-adjusted person this is obviously a terrible thing, but we can't do anything about it on a global level. All we can do is opt out as much as we possibly can and publicly question authority.

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    • Riddler

      The middle class is slowly dropping out. Its slowly turning into Large majority of homeless/poor vs small percent of rich.

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  • Avant-Garde

    What about the mistakes that we have committed in the Western World? Or, do you prefer to pretend that those things never happened?

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    • anti-hero

      Did you even read the post?

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      • Avant-Garde

        I missed the last part. Whoop-dee-do!

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        • anti-hero

          Well the last part was half the point of the post so fiddle - dee - dee.

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      • Avant-Garde

        I did.

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    Yes. We in the west are told by the mainstream media to clean up our act, that we are responsible for pollution and climate change when in fact our output is minimal compared to India and the far East.

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  • HunmbleKnowItAll

    Hey f**kwad just let the countries make decisions for themselves and don't be a f**king racist

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  • dasugaknows

    I am losing my job because it is getting outsourced to india and it makes me angry. My employer is laying everybody off all 250 of us and it isnt like we get paid much either. Now we are insulted that our low paying jobs are going to unskilled workers willing to be paid $2 an hr and work in a crappy environment. And dont think that standing up for them on these forums makes it any better because it doesnt matter that they now have our jobs, they arent the ones getting rich, its the companies getting rich and still getting away with not paying them overtime and not having to provide insurance and treating them like dirt. Pretty much companies do this because they dont want to fufill their obligations to their workers here so that they can get richer and greedier.

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    • IndianInSouthAfrica

      Its not the fault of the workers.All they are doing is trying to make a living and providing for their families. A job is a jog. its the greedy, cruel corporations that you should be angry at for taking advantage of the uneducated poor. instead of standing up for their basic human rights you are chastising them!!!

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  • Nokiot9

    We have been. The un tries to sanction china like every year for their carbon foot print and poor working conditions. To no avail. Is it any coencidince that the most heavily populated countries are the most polluted and dirty? Humans are destructive and violent by nature. Sad but true.

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  • normalityjudge

    China numba 1..

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  • Nokiot9

    Unless there is a massive population crash over the next hundred years or so, we will poison this earth to death. that's not even touching all the nukes we have primed and aimed. Humans are destructive by nature, we have to destroy to create and we do it in such an unsustainable way. We are nearing that crossroads where we all either die out, or we change and prosper.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Op, disregard my second statement. I was feeling bitchy and acting irrational when I responded with my scatting.

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  • loopoo

    The worlds fucked no matter how you look at it

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    • boredwolf

      I want to take a dump in your mouth.

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  • seekelp

    "India is taking over country's one by one and turning everyone into underpaid slaves."

    What? I mean, workers don't have the best protections in India, but other than Kashmir I can't think of a single place that India has invaded.

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    • Fiji, New Zealand, Australia, even Britain surviving on minimum wage is becoming impossible due to the job market being flooded with Indian migrants and jobs that were once well paid due to penalty rates like nursing and child care are now becoming minimum wage jobs as well.

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