Is it normal what causes bipolar disorder?

Is it a genetic thing? Is it life circumstances? Did my divorce to a very abusive drunk asshole a long time ago Cause me to get it?

My parents were really abusive as well.Does being sarcastic and witty have anything to do with me being bipolar? Is GOD punishing me? Could I have stopped myself from being bipolar?

I take pills sometimes for when I feel really really bad or when I get too hyper.But mostly I feel normal, but sometimes I get really teary and exhausted and just can't see people.

I do have a couple of long standing open relationships with men and women. The one women doesn't think I am bipolar,that I got treated badly and it messed with me.

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Comments ( 10 )
  • Chemical imbalance.
    Could be various causes.

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  • Ellenna

    Surely whoever prescribes your medication would know more about your condition than people on this site?

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  • jethro

    Try Google first.

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  • bubsy

    It's a brain thing: long term use of SSRIs (antidepressants) and birth control pills have thinned the frontal lobe lining of your brain. Babies in the wombs of mothers exposed to this also have this problem.

    This hurts your reasoning, ability to plan ahead and general decision-making skills. A funny way is saying it makes you vote Democrat. But the saddest part is that it's not curable.

    What you can do is realize you have a voice inside you, we all do, and that it is programmable. The subconcious part of your brain gets orders from your concious brain: keep saying you're wacko and you'll become one.

    Tell yourself you'll be just fine, that you're happy and loved and well-off, and believe it. This is how you change your inner voice from an enemy to a friend.

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    • Ellenna

      I'd be interested in the research you're basing these assertions on: you do realise that Bi Polar (formerly called Manic depression) existed a long long time before either SSRIs and birth control pills?

      I'd also be interested in any evidence that your suggested "treatment" (for something you say is incurable) actually works: sounds like newage (rhymes with sewage) positive thinking bullshit to me.

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      • bubsy

        Of course it has existed for some time, but never in the numbers we see today. This also goes for transexuals, homosexuals, and other trends that deserve a modern explanation. It is society, is it physical? Is something in the water?

        I've tried to give an explanation. My advice is you google "long term SSRI side effects" and make your own judgement.

        As I said, there is no cure to a damaged frontal lobe. It's as fatal as feminism; what I offered was a bit of newagey-sounding help that's actually as old as dirt:

        I think you've read enough of my posts to know I'm at least educated enough not to take anything without a healthy dose of skepticism. This has helped me personally, as has any book or advice I've recommended here.

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        • Ellenna

          "As fatal as feminism"? What are you talking about?

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          • bubsy

            Just a cute jab against feminism, abortion-related. Not a fan of it. Do have anything you want to ask about my main points?

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    • charli.m

      You really are a dangerous person.

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  • nikkiclaire

    No one knows shit about bipolar. If they say they do they are lying.

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