Is it normal when you die all will be revealed

I think most people feel that when they die they will learn the truth about everything. The meaning of life, is there a Heaven or Hell, did this person cheat, who is my real daddy etc.

What do you think?

Yes all will be revealed 27
No nothing will be revealed 40
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Comments ( 95 )
  • Tempest-au

    I think there is some sort of afterlife, I just don't have a clue what it is.

    Some Doctor around 1900 apparently measured the weight of people as they died, and determined the soul to have a mass of 21 grams.

    Science tells us that all points in space-time are connected.

    A study at (MIT? Harvard?) on random systems proved that a person concentrating on a specific outcome (making the generator produce "higher" or "lower" numbers) could actually cause the change to occur - at least very slightly.

    Personally, I think there has to be some sort of "super-consciousness" that pervades the universe, which we are all a part of. A former girlfriend of mine (who I had not even spoken to in some 15 years) died several years ago, and I had a particularly vivid dream about her on the night she died, where she came to me and said goodbye. While "Technically" it could have been coincidence, I ask why I didn't have vivid dreams of her on any of the other 5000 odd nights since we split up, and why did I randomly dream her coming to say goodbye on the exact night (and roughly the same time) as she died?

    I think the answers will be there for us when we die. I also think at the point of dying, we won't care about the "petty" things that bothered us during life - so it won't matter anyway.

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    • Fatty_McJiggles

      Death is essentially the absence of life. Life is about experiences, both good and bad. When there is no life (i.e. death) there can be no experience to speak of. Its nice to think there is something to experience in death and that the answers to the questions of life are given....

      But they aren't. You just die. Some people realize they are dying, but nobody actually "experiences" death. You just die. Think of it in the same way of you going to sleep at night. Can you pinpoint for me the exact minute/second when you fell asleep last night? No? Death is the same thing.

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      • Tempest-au

        If death is just death, please explain how, after no contact and barely a thought for 15 years, I can spontaneously dream of a person WHO JUST DIED - and dream that they are coming to say goodbye. Ergo, there HAS to be SOMETHING after we kick off. I'm not saying we migrate to fields of fluffy clouds and grow a pair of wings, but it can't just be "the end".

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        • I don't care about all that crap

          I just want to know everything I don't know now, all those secrets, who cheated, who stole what and so forth.

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      • Kookulainamus

        Yes, Fatty. I am glad you are back as many of your well reasoned comments are the highlight of my afternoon.

        Firstly, Aristotle noted there is a difference between Jones when alive, and Jones when he is dead. If you subtract the sum of all living attributes from the sum of all dead attributes, Aristotle says the difference is Jones soul. Aristotle then says the question begged to be answered is "what is this difference?" because there is a spectrum of answers.

        Some say the soul is simply neurological processes. Further along the spectrum is enduring consciousness for a time. Tempest-au seems to be in that camp. As the spectrum continues we get into radical ideas like all physical matter is in some sense spiritual.

        Being an Agnostic, my claim is that Aristotle's question cannot be answered. I adhere to the Aetheist's wager, but with accounts of dying patients brought back from death with defibrillators, I think there a good case to be made that it is more than just neurological processes.

        Any response is welcome.

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        • Fatty_McJiggles

          If humans have a soul, than every other living thing that has ever existed also has a soul. We aren't special or unique aside from what evolution has allowed us to gain in terms of our highly developed cerebral cortex.

          Reviving a "dead" person using modern medicine and science is just a byproduct of our own advancement. Believing anything will be "revealed" at death is humanity trying to understand "life and death".

          There is no fully understanding it. No matter how much we progress in science and technology death will always exist and we all have it coming. "Tempest-au" is denial of their own mortality. This is the sort of thinking that religion seizes upon and manipulates into conversion of said person by the promise of "eternal life" or as that same account actually phrased "it can't just be the end".

          From a personal standpoint I can't think of any worse punishment than living "forever".

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          • Tempest-au

            Not true. I'm not even saying that we exist after death for very long in any "individual" capacity - merely as a form of cosmic consciousness. Think of a glass of water. If I throw it into the ocean, it will disperse and become part of that ocean.

            Like most rational people, I like to fit my beliefs into what I have observed. I have observed indications that a person's consciousness lives on, even briefly, after death. Unless you can provide a reasonable alternative explanation to my experience above?

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            • Kookulainamus

              Yes, except what can be inferred from your experience?

              1. It was probably not a coincidence because it was too unlikely.

              2. You were important person in her life, so she wanted to say goodbye.

              These things say nothing about a cosmic consciousness. Even if there is such a thing, your experiences would have happened before her consciousness merged into it.

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  • bittermayonnaise

    Did Mulder and Scully fuck, the truth is out there.

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  • xfg18

    Your brain decays after you die. You don't learn anything.

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    • So how do I find out the truth?

      If death is the end and my good deeds and patience is not rewarded I might as well torture people to get the truth

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      • xfg18

        There is no truth, but you can still torture people for fun.

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        • sandnigga

          how can you be so closeminded as to think that theres nothing else after you die?

          what is the point to life then?

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          • LittleGirlRapedAndSodomised#R9

            how can you be so OPENminded as to think that theres nothing else after you die?

            what is the point to DEATH then?

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            • sandnigga

              who said theres a point to death? what if theres only a point to life?

              yes, life can be biased

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            • sandnigga

              better to be openminded when the mystery is a mystery, to be closeminded about a mystery you know nothing about

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        • Hell yeah!!

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  • KekReptilian

    And then your memories will be erased and you'll be shoved back into the reincarnation cycle, none the wiser.

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  • Philia

    I absolutely hate questions like this that aren't trolling.

    There is NO intelligent conversation that comes from a question based on faith. It is only going to show you that people believe different things, which is fucking obvious.

    One person will say "but this!" and another will say "but that" and if nobody is an asshole, absolutely nothing will happen.

    But everybody is an asshole online, so all a question like this does is throw down some tinder for a flame war.

    edit: oh, shit, I forgot to add my opinion at the end so I can help start a flame war... No, nothing will be revealed to you after you die, you fucking tool. The universe has no obligation to tell you fucking anything. You probably came to this planet as an alien organism on a meteorite or some shit. All we have is science to logically go through EVERYTHING in the universe. You will not live to see that. I doubt the human race is smart enough to come together to achieve it, anyway. So, basically, you're shit out of luck if you wanna know how space works.

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    • walkingdildo

      For such a "smart" kid, who thinks they're better than everyone else for having a conversation on faith which you think will just degenerate into a flame war, you are pretty much the only one who went all "flame war" in their response.

      If you're not in bed, you should probably go there.

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      • Philia

        I did so with extreme sarcasm. While my opinion is very rude, I don't mean to attack anyone personally.

        My intention is ensuring anyone who reads that message never posts a question like this ever again, and only has a 1 on 1 conversation with someone, instead.

        Like I said, people are different. When you invite a group of people into what should be a 1 on 1 conversation, you only get more and more disarray as the replies come in.

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        • walkingdildo

          You need to work on your sarcasm.

          And your comment will not ensure anything. This a website which seems to have a maximum of about 20 real members and most of the questions seem to be trolling.

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          • Philia

            My sarcasm is beyond perfect. You're just too fucking stupid to understand that, kiddo.

            Trolling is part of being an asshole, I guess, but you just ignore them and they go away, most of the time. For a site like IIN, the rule of thumb should be "Ignore trolls and questions about whether a belief based on faith is true or not."

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            • walkingdildo

              If you believe it should be a rule of thumb to ignore such questions, why did you reply to this question?

              You're rapidly running out of excuses for your stupidity.

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  • walkingdildo

    Whether or not there is a heaven or hell will be revealed to you insofar as if there is nothing after death, no heaven nor hell will appear.

    Of course, you will just be a rotting corpse and will be none the wiser.

    Personally, I think any attempts to make definitive statements of activity after death are wholly fantasy. Nobody has been dead long enough to know. During the moments of death, the brain goes crazy and that is why people think they see "the light", or they hallucinate. Let the brain settle to "dead" state and then come back to life THEN I will believe you.

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    • sandnigga

      well i agree its foolish to make a statement on death, when you havent died yet lol

      thats like knowing how the titanic will end without even watching or hearing anything about the movie

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      • Philia

        I genuinely want to know why you think that.

        The idea of an afterlife does not come from nature. We, humans, are the sole proprietors of that ideology.

        It is not like knowing the end of a movie without seeing the movie. It's actually funny that you used that as an example, because that's a perfect example of why you CAN make an assumption about death.

        If you DID know about the ACTUAL Titanic, you could ASSUME that in the movie at the end, the ship sinks!

        When something dies, it dies! We have absolutely no reason to believe anything else happens.

        Anything about the afterlife has originated from humans. We are very imaginative creatures, and that's amazing, but it doesn't mean you live forever or get to understand the universe.

        Alright, now I have to go Google whether other animals have imaginations or not.

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        • sandnigga

          how do you know that for sure though? how do you 100% for sure it was created by humans? you dont

          but nobody knows the ending until they watch it

          sure, be closeminded about it if you want. but what if there is a afterlife?

          who says we cant live forever or know about the universe? you have a little mind. kinda like those people who were closeminded about airplanes existing back in the day lol
          you seem like one of those people
          dont be so closeminded on stuff

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          • Philia

            You shouldn't be seeing my way of thinking as close-minded... I am 100% open to the idea of an afterlife, so long as there is evidence to support it.

            Science is about admitting what you do NOT know, but not what you CAN'T know. We have the potential to understand the universe and the human mind, but we DON'T know anything at all about it yet.

            To say I should be open to the idea simply because I don't know where it originated is absurd. I'm not open to the idea because I have to be convinced to be open to it. Nothing worth believing requires you to be convinced it's true.

            There's just nothing else like the belief of an afterlife. Gravity, thermodynamics, climate... even STARS follows a series of logical conclusions tested by science. You can not test the theory of an afterlife without inventing reanimation. There's also no reason to test the theory, as it's B A S E L E S S

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            • sandnigga

              well at least you admit its a theory

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        • walkingdildo

          Many animals mourn their dead whilst elephants appear to have rudimentary funerary rites.

          I'm not saying elephants have some sort of religion, but remember, we are animals too. If we have imaginations, then "animals" can have imaginations. There is literally no reason to believe that other animals cannot develop the mental capacity to think abstractly like humans have evolved to. Only if you believe humans are somehow "separate" from animals (a very religious perspective, which is insidious, even if it is only because it is subconscious) would you think humans are capable of ideas, as if separated by some sort of divine Providence.

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  • Why so you can find out the truth?

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  • Azaman

    Death is the end. Live for the moment.

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  • IMissMary

    I for one already know everything so death won't be such a big deal either way.

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  • mysistersshadow

    When your dead your dead. Thats all.

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    • IMissMary

      When you die you are going to come back as a man so you can fuck a woman properly

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      • mysistersshadow

        When I die I'll be dead nothing more nothing less. I have a strapon if I really want to do the fucking but I rarely use it I prefer a double headed dildo more fun for everyone.

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    • walkingdildo

      But what about my dead?

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      • mysistersshadow

        Awesome another grammar nazi. What a small life to be worried about such trivial matters.

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        • sandnigga

          i do agree with you on that though

          grammar is useless, when we got google lol

          such a tiny matter

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          • mysistersshadow

            Small minds, small matters.

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            • walkingdildo

              You yourself called it a "trivial matter", so trivial minds, trivial matters.

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            • sandnigga

              eh possibly

              or he just has a ocd for grammar cause his grammar teacher made him see things he shouldnt have seen

              XD haha

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        • walkingdildo

          It's not grammar, it's spelling you fucking moron.

          Furthermore, I wasn't worried, just poking fun at your illiteracy.

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          • IMissMary

            LOL, stop picking on MSS she's a lesbian, she has rights.

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            • mysistersshadow

              I'm not a lesbian I just prefer girls. But to the point... I write the way I do on here becos it amuses me to do so.

              If it were not my preference to do otherwise, I could write in absolutely pristine English and my vocabulary would likely leave the better part of the readership here either perplexed or scrambling for a dictionary. I've proven this on multiple occssions and that is why anyone that's been here for more than ten minutes doesn't bother with juvenile retorts that include attacks on the way I write. It's petty and truly says a good deal more about the attacker than it does about me.

              Anyone that would like to debate this off topic diversion further is welcome to respond.... in Russian. And then we can truly evaluate who is the idiot and who is simply killing time on work breaks in the way that best provides her with amusement.

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            • walkingdildo

              Oh does she now lol

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          • sandnigga


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    • Prove it

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      • mysistersshadow

        You go first. You made the assertion you prove it.

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        • Do you know what assertion means?

          How about your and you're?

          When you die you might learn the truth.

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          • mysistersshadow

            Sure I know. Do you know if English is my native language or are you just a petty grammar nazi?

            Nope. When you die your dead. If you can prove otherwise please do so. If not then my answer is just as valid as any.

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            • sandnigga

              You point is not valid just because you believe it is haha

              What kind of shit is that? You dont take a mystery and put a sticker on it. Like "ohhhh what would the desert be like?"
              and someone answering "itd be hot. end of story"

              yes no doubt the desert would be hot. but saying it would be hot, and experiencing it for yourself are two different things

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            • Lets hope English is NOT your first language. Notice I said your not you're.

              Otherwise you'd be an idiot.

              I'm not the one who say you don't or do exist after death....YOU are the one who said you don' have no proof so you're wrong.

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            • sandnigga

              dont take a mystery and put a stamp on it like you know already

              you dont. its as simple as that.

              dont pretend to know something you know NOTHING about.

              you dont know what death is like. you have NEVER experienced it. unless you wanna try right now?

              maybe if you're ever brought back to life, you can tell us how its like. but until then i wouldnt be acting like you know everything

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