Is it normal women who get pregnant deliberately get paid child support?

Is it normal that women who get pregnant deliberately get paid child support?
I am talking about deliberately getting pregnant without the man knowing that the woman is trying to become pregnant. Just getting pregnant as a way to have a regular income for atleast 18 years. Is this fair ?

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Comments ( 9 )
  • olderdude-xx

    I have met woman who have trapped some man with an unwanted pregnancy.

    The "worst" one claimed that she had no children and could not get pregnant - so that I would not have to worry about birth control.

    The State's legal website said different. 3 won paternity lawsuits for child support. In all cases it was the mans first child (in my state you have to pay a higher child support rate if its your 1st child). So it was not hard to figure out her game... and I did verify that it was her by asking about an unpaid loan case that was filed against her (which also shows up on credit reports).

    Yes, I do a background check on anyone I'm going to become romantically involved with... There be scammers in the world; and I've had to deal with a few.

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  • litelander8

    I’ve never even met a person who knows of a person, who has ever don’t this or had it don’t to them.

    I think this a blatant mans excuse to not have to pay child support. Let me tell you, the money is never worth it to put up a baby daddy who would pull this card.

    I did work with a girl for a couple months who confided in me that she had sent her bf pictures of ultra sounds and positive tests that she found on the interweb. I verbally tore her a new ass and told her how gross that was.

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    • You are fortunate to only be in contact with decent people. I hope you can go through life in the same fashion.
      Let me tell you, i didn't say whether it was worth while monetarily or not. The scum who partake in this activity , in general, are not great forethinkers and more often than not are of low inteligence. They do it because they believe it will help them through their life monetarily whether or not it will or not does not matter. The fact that it is done frequently all over the world without fear of repercussions is so saddening and cruel to the child and to the man.
      I have never done this but i know of many who have from various backgrounds and different countries.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Ive seen it. 2 chics tried to trap my buddy. He somehow attracted crazy girls I think he liked them. One chic wrapped her legs around him when he was trying to pull out. She always told him to cum in her and promised she was on the pill but wouldnt take it infront of him when he asked. Then she'd always say "CoLtOn iM pReGnAnT wItH yOuR bAaAaBy!!!" When he'd leave for a few hours to hang out with the boys.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    How is she trying to get pregnant? Does she claim to be on the pill but actually isn't? If so, then that should be considered rape, and should go to prison (and the man obviously shouldn't have to pay child support needless to say). Or does she sabotage the guy's condoms? (if so, then the same thing). But otherwise I don't see how she could be 'trying' to get pregnant tbh, at least not without the guy being aware of it. Just wishing that she'll get pregnant won't do anything.

    But anyway, I'd still say it's not normal. It's obviously manipulative and devious, and pretty disgusting to create a life for the sole purpose of making yours a little easier. And it's creepy how she chooses that way to better her life.

    I do believe that guys should be allowed to absolve themselves of responsibility for any children they conceive though (and doing so would also forfeit any rights to the child obviously).

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  • Meowypowers

    No remorse for the man that has zero pull out game and is dodging responsibilities.

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  • SwickDinging

    That whole topic is a fucking huge mess.

    Obviously it is very, very wrong to lie to someone about contraception. That's a no brainer. In fact, I think it is legally classed as rape in some countries. I think that judgement is fair. But most real life cases are not that simple...

    Contraception fails. Most people who think they know how to properly use condoms actually don't. Hormonal contraception can involve human error too, and even if it is used perfectly it can still fail. Every single time a man and woman of childbearing age have sex, they could make a baby, no matter what precautions they take. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

    Once a baby is made, it's 100% up to the woman what happens. Whether you agree with that or not is up to you, but legally speaking, I don't think there is any country in the world where a man can force a woman to abort a baby.

    I think that any parent owes their kids something. They should be a part of their kid's life whether they planned the kid or not. I know there will be people who disagree with that, but once the child exists, I think it ultimately boils down to what is best for them. Their needs massively trump the wants and desires of their parents.

    Basically what I'm saying is that I'm really not sure how you could conclusively prove that a woman lied to you about contraception, and that people should be extremely fucking careful about who they have sex with. This goes especially for men because they have no control over things once conception has occurred. If she says she is on hormonal contraception then you should probably continue to use condoms anyway, unless you are willing to accept the risk that you might make a baby and every responsibility that goes with that.

    I also think that if you start saying that some men don't have to have any financial responsibility for their kid, it will become ripe for abuse. Arseholes left, right and centre will be claiming that they shouldn't have to pay for their kid because the woman said she was on the pill, and it will be the women quite literally left holding the baby that they may well not have planned for either. That system unfairly punishes women and children and essentially means that every unplanned pregnancy becomes entirely the woman's responsibility and gives the dad a get out of jail free card. Ultimately it's the child that loses out.

    It's all a big fucking mess and I think it's impossible to come up with a system that is totally fair to everyone, because women get pregnant and men don't. It's just how things are and I'm not sure how we can realistically make things "fair".

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  • bigbudchonger

    The fertility rate in first world countries is terrible. It's generally good for the state that they get pregnant despite being given financial help. But no, it's not exactly fair for the dude paying child support.

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  • I hadn't thought about the sabotaged condoms trick but that would be another way. Usually , the more efficient way of not taking the pill or saying that they got the contraceptive injection is used.
    I agree with all that you said. And that it should be considered rape and the woman should be jailed.
    I am slightly surprised that someone who wrote an intelligent post seemed , just an impression i got, to be unaware how very common this practise is.
    Also after reading your post and actually thinking about it more i am surprised that this rarely spoken of , its just accepted.

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