Iint want to kill your childhood rapist
I hope this doesn't count as a forbidden topic, it's technically two of them but I'm not asking about that specifically.
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I hope this doesn't count as a forbidden topic, it's technically two of them but I'm not asking about that specifically.
Yeah because childhood rapists deserve to die, mostly because they've traumatized the victim.
Makes perfect sense, and only reason you should not is YOU would go to prison for it, and you don't deserve to be punished more for what they did. Hope they get their punishment
No, do not do it!, if you murdered him by pushing him by a long and tall staircase while wearing gloves to hide your fingerprints and most likely while wearing socks to make sure no one would find out would be very bad. Do not poison him by adding bleach to his tea either, and do not think about cleaning the cup and burning the bottle. Wearing gloves to have only his fingerprints in there and making it look like suicide would be horrible as well. Pedophiles that act on their actions are humans too and you should not just kill them to make the world a better place.
Pedophiles deserve to die, cause it the Devil himself is waiting for them anyway. Child molesters, and rapists are subhuman garbage who deserve to die slow painful deaths.
The only reasons I can think of for someone to not harm pedophiles are to avoid getting caught, and going to jail, and to avoid to the bad afterlife place. I think pedophiles are subhuman garbage who deserve to suffer. Rapists, and child molesters are terrible people deep, down inside they really are!
If I can tell a cat to leave an injured bird that we found in the garden alone, and not harm it then surely a human being can understand that it is evil to violate others, especially the most vulnerable of others.
If we ought not to kill them then I think we should at least brand them with a mark on their faces so everyone can see. Child molesters, and rapists are less than human. When some scumbag violates another person it causes the victim to suffer for a lifetime. Victims of rape, and molestation suffer greatly, because of the evil deeds of evil people.
yeah and I especially hate people who think that P words who DON'T act on their attraction deserve to die. Know why? Cause I had a friend with that problem once. She admitted she liked younger boys. But she would often breakdown about it. She ended herself because she believed she deserved to die even though she did nothing, to anyone. Only having an attraction.
Completely normal. If someone I knew had been raped I would forever put that rapist on my "if the purge becomes real" list.
Normal to want to, but not ok to act on it. Don’t screw up your life for him any more than he did.
More normal than anything on this website. Rapists and child molesters deserve to die.
Nothing wrong with what you thinking,because I believe no one in this world would get a dam about asshole MFuckers who would do shit to kids,if you were my those buttheads wouldn't be walking on this earth!!!!!just saying
Please don’t. You will become the murderer and probably get caught and end up with a life sentence. But I do hope that bastard dies a slow painful death when his time comes. X
Murder is worse than rape.
-But murdering a rapist or a murder because of what they did, is fucking brilliant, top 10 things to do for positive karma
People who rape are scum, but the law is set up so that you get punished if you kill them (cant claim self defense as they didnt rape at time of murder)
"Even worse than him". I don't think killing a child rapist makes you worse than. There isn't anything worse than a sick fuck that likes to rape innocent children.
No, I think child molester is worse than someone who just puts a bullet in someone's brain.
So you'd rather have someone put a bullet in your brain than have sex?
She's right. Rapists and child molesters are worse than murderers. Yeah, murder is definitely not the worse thing you can do.
You have no fucking clue what you're talking about, murder is worse than rape, but killing a rapist is positive karma, removes a piece of shit from the mortal realm