Iit to wish dying at 30

i had my first death prayer at 14
now im 25 and i think dying at 30 ll be good
i dont have anything exciting going on , i have no future , and life is meaningless no matter what
im gonna die eventually so i would rather go with less wrinkles
and better memories

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31% Normal
Based on 61 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Azaman

    It's one thing to feel that way, another thing to actually act on it. My dad didn't want to live to 50, so he killed himself at 49. It impacts everyone around you, much more than you might think.

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  • _Jesus_

    You need to start using cocaine

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  • Advicez

    Sometimes I feel that way. Being so much younger then 25 like me, I kinda wish I would die young too, but, since you are old enough to do adult stuff, make the most of it! Invite your friends, go skydiving, go I dunno, meat Obama? Travel, my best way. That will make you feel happy, and maybe even enough to stop feeling depressed. If you don't have any money, uh, I mean duh you do, I mean, you wrote this on a laptop!

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    • John_Ivane

      Very rounded pep-talk, and I see you never feel that way in your life. You probably see the most rosy picture in every circumstances. Next time it'd be better to keep avoid giving this lecture to someone thinking like this one.

      I've been in there myself, still struggling out of those invisible mudpool, and it's really not gonna help at all even though I know you meant well. Or it'd make things worse for her/him. I even prefer to vote for the guy who advise to try cocaine, rather than yours.

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    • issamoon

      u hv no idea dude

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  • riffraffy

    Apathy is a slow way to die. Focus on what you consume. Then focus on what you create. Do you create anything? That is what fulfills you, gives you a sense of purpose and gives life meaning.

    Improve yourself and work towards making things a little each day. No more wasted days.

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  • Rusty-Rider

    You might have clinical depression.
    Talk to a shrink. They might be able to give you medication to make you feel like living.
    Life is a hoot. It's up to you to fulfill yourself.

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    • issamoon

      i have been on meds for a year
      but couldnt afford them
      i also didnt want to be dependant on pills

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      • finn

        Travel. A change of scenery is always good. Don't go to some generic place but a place where you can get involved with the culture and people.

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        • issamoon

          i cant travel for some reasons

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  • lordofopinions

    NOT normal. Get help!!

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  • Yoyo5000

    Actually... I think I understand the way you feel.
    Life seems monotone and nothing of interest is happening and when interesting things do happen you can't enjoy them the way you should because you're used to the monotony in your life so when this interesting event hits your life is just kinda beh....

    Don't know if that's the way you feel, but that's at least the way I feel about it and since what you posted sounded a lot like that maybe you feel that way... Life seems just boring in the end and you end up isolating yourself which makes things even worse.

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