Im afraid of dying

Sometimes i wake up at 3 am with a chest pain, it reminds me of all the people who hurt me, backstabbed me, & lied to me, then suddenly i start thinking of death, i want my life to end, yet im afraid of dying. im a really weak person, im not sure how to stop thinking about dying, it terrifies me but i dont know what exactly scares me of death..

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Comments ( 4 )
  • thegypsysailor

    No reason to fear dying; dying is the end of EVERYTHING. No pain, no worries, no nothing. Certainly no 'afterlife, sitting around on a pink cloud strumming a harp for eternity.
    If you wish to have a fear; then fear pain. Pain hurts; death doesn't!

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    • reallyalthea

      Amen ..!

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  • what about the nice people in yr life , way 2 go forgetting them grrr, maybe happiness is a choice

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  • Vas82

    Afraid or not afraid we are all going to die some day. Try to enjoy life while it lasts, be nobel and fair and loved. Give and take love every day. Find a person to love and live with will ease that fear. The fact that you live happy and have someone to care for and to hold on, share, crying and laughing is what lightens my heavy chest and twisted stomach. Another soul by your side splits the fear of death and the birth of a new one ereases death completely.

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