Im allergic to pumpkins, but just the pulp. should i tell my doctor?

I found out about my allergy last Halloween when I was carving a pumpkin, as usual. As they always do, my hands turned red and began hurting, except this year it was much more extreme, to the point where i was on the verge of tears. I then got informed that it was not normal. This has been happenning my entire life, and i just assumed it was because pumpkins were acidic, but apparently they're not? However, despite this, i can still eat pumpkin seeds and pumpkin pie.

I tested it and realized that if the seeds and skin didnt hurt me, then the pulp must've. My brother has the same thing, albeit slightly less bad, and he asks me to tell it to my doctor, so he can figure out without having to go himself.

I dont know if its something worth saying or not. I have a really hard time talking with people, so it will definitely take a bit of courage to mention it out of the blue.

Yes 11
No 3
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Comments ( 9 )
  • olderdude-xx

    Tell your Dr. and get it into your records. They may look for similar plant group allergies as well. It's important to know.

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  • LloydAsher

    I would tell your doctor, medicines can come from weird places and if it's a certain chemical in the pulp it may be included in certain medications thus your doctor will need to know this.

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  • Mammal-lover

    I would. Never know what's in medicine man. Just let them know next time your in. theyll add it to the records and thatll be it

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  • McSorley

    Well, maybe if you told your doctor he could test you so you'll know for sure. Why wonder if you don't have to?

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  • blinkeredharlot

    Isnt pumpkin pie made of the pulp of the pumpkin?

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  • Ellenna

    If I were you I wouldn't be bothering a doctor and presumably paying money to find out something you already know. Ditto your brother.

    However, it would be a good idea to mention it next time you see your doctor so that it's noted in your records.

    I'm allergic to ivy, but I don't regard that as a medical issue, I just make sure I don't touch it because it gives me an itchy rash.

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  • Boojum

    People can have all sorts of odd allergies and contact dermatitis can occur after touching almost anything. Sometimes our immune system gets things very wrong.

    Allergic reactions often are triggered by specific proteins. Cooking often breaks down proteins enough that we suffer no ill effects when we eat something that we react to badly when we touch it in its raw state.

    I don't see any need to make a special appointment to inform your doctor about this allergy, but you should mention it the next time you see him so it's on your records. If your brother feels a desperate need to find out more, he can make his own appointment.

    In the meantime, I suggest you either avoid contact with raw pumpkin and squash flesh, or that you wear gloves when you must handle it.

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  • my_life_my_way

    Why would it be anything worth mentioning to your doctor? Just don’t touch pumpkin pulp.

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    • LloydAsher

      Since all your records are private why not say you have a pumpkin allergy? Who knows maybe some meds come from extracted pumpkin pulp. Aspirin is taken from tree bark, pumpkin oil is sometimes used for bladder infections.

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