Im asian and i hate asians

thats my story. i dont know if this is normal. but i really dont like asians that much. i try to avoid them as much as possible even though im asian. i tend to get along more with mixes, whites, blacks or mexicans. is that normal?

Voting Results
75% Normal
Based on 826 votes (616 yes)
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Comments ( 70 )
  • do you hate your parents?

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  • Shaka_Zulu

    I hate people. Poeple are always labeling eachother & grouping eachother just so they can justify their own selfish tendancies. Screw being a person. I wanna ascend to transcendence. Mankind is crap. If I had my finger over the button to destroy this world, I would press it 10 times.

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    • curlyjam just read my mind,that is exactly how i feel. every single word.

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    • Mirakurun

      absolutely love this comment.

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  • laurensimmons

    I'm human and I hate most of human kind.

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  • chubbyninja

    yeah it is normal, I am black and i hate Black people, I try to avoid them as much as possible they are so annoying, well at least most of them. But for those who do hate black people just don't hate all of them cause not all of them are bad people, if u try to get to know them, but if they look ghetto, don't trust them do whatever you want with them i really don't give a fuck about the Gangsta ones, but give the others a try same for the person who created this, try to get to know some more asians, and not hate all.

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    • Libra

      Hi,i kinda relate to this to im mixed race black and white.And i wouldnt change it but sometimes i thinkthat some black people let the group down when they act all gangster.All i want to do is for them to show everyone that where not all gangsters

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    • blackpplsuck

      You're a nerdy idiot lots of people dress in hip hop gear not just black people,and dressing hip hop gear doesn't mean you are a gangster,thug,or untrustworthy. It's fashionable and I think it looks good.You are very superficial not liking black ppl because of fashion sense is the LEAST of why I don't like em.

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  • IsisIsIllegal

    If you seriously hate someone just because of their race I'd say you're a racist but maybe hate is too strong of a word to use. Do you mean that you just noticed that you happen to not have Asian friends or do you actually hate them? If you do you are only hating yourself. You were probably were embarrassed and ashamed of your parents and culture while growing up. I went through the same thing but got over it. Especially if you grow up in a predominately white area, it hurts when people point out that your wear the badge of your difference in your face when you just want to be the same as everyone else. I hated being Chinese; but only because I wanted to be white, like the people on television; like the people all around me. I got over it by learning about my culture, visiting China. By learning to love my ethnicity I learned to love myself, and to accept myself.

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  • maybe the other asians dont like you :P

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  • ExplosiveFurry

    I dont like 90%% of asians. THey Screw up my MMORPGs witht heir gold farming and spam!

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  • sisophous

    Disliking a group or avoiding a group is not abnormal. Hating anyone or lumping them into a category is unhealthy since you must deal with people inevitably. Try to be more accepting and deal with them when possible.

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  • formerfarmer

    alright get this, im asian i guess (mongolian/taiwanese) and i hate asians. don't get me wrong, i don't hate all of them, probably 99% of them, and i don't hate them cuz of my parents or anythin, and i don't wish i was white or some stupid shit like that. its just that most of them are kind of "brainwashed" if you know what i mean.

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  • katherine1

    completely and im not rascist, i love everyone its just when i go back and think about it every asian ive met i have not gotten along with.

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  • racemethorphan

    It's not their Asian face that shits you, is it. It's the way those fuckers ACT, right?

    That's called an aversion to Asian culture, which is perfectly acceptable. Racism alone is stupid... well, except for retards and teh downs. I steer well clear of those disgusting animals.

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  • jonny1188

    It's only normal if it's the Asians who speak Engrish and get mad when you don't understand them.

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  • Pokemon_rok569

    sounds normal to meeeeeh

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  • geekpost

    I dont hate asians, but I guess I kinda get how you feel.
    I am asian as well, and I dislike how some asians act. Being part of the community allows me to have insight into asian beliefs and values; a lot of which I personally consider superficial.
    I dont think disliking asians is "abnormal". Maybe it's what they do? Your peer influences? Whatever the reason, you have every right to choose what you like or dislike. Though disliking someone purely based on race does seem a little.. hmmmm. =)

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  • DunlopNineteen

    That means you don't even like your look. I bet you don't like looking at mirrors. That's pathetic. You might don't like 100%% asian actor's look cuz they look like down-syndrome. Such as SANDRA OH. Their eyes, face structure, most features are unappealing. Agree. But some of them are gorgeous!!!! Maybe less than 1%% but there's some. And they're not even mixed race. You shouldn't look down to all asian.

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  • Argollun

    Have your experiences with Asians been positive or negative? Certain Asian cultures have an insular way of living and non conformism isn't tolerated.

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  • DiscoDuck

    My wife is Asian and she don't like Asians much either. Sure she watches Asian TV channels and listens to Asian music but she avoids personal contact with other Asian people.

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  • ven067

    I don't like to hang by them too much, especially if they are like "fresh off the boat"
    but yea, almost all of my friends are mexican if not all

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  • Bob17

    Does that count as racism?

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  • Yes it is normal Ive met an asian person the same as you they didnt even speak the language

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  • PoisonFlowers

    Hating an entire group of people for their race, whether Indian, English, Chinese, Black etc etc is not normal. It's FUCKED UP. People should be judged by the content of their character - not the colour of their skin.

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  • negativecreep

    Yeah im itallian,and i fucking hate itallians.

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    • SMILEifyourstupid

      omg negativecreep, how can u hate italians! they are sooooooooooo hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • jjy9493

    It sounds like you're Americanized and hate the Asians that back all of the crap stereotypes that are out there. I'm in that same boat man, and trust me, you wouldn't be you if you didn't hate Asians. Be true to yourself and think what you want, you should feel NO obligation to some group just because of the color of your skin.

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  • normalcydude

    Yeah, it is normal. BUT you need to keep the feeling in check, as it could lead to bigotry.

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  • Penispoopoo

    My wife is full blown Chinese, born in China, raised in China, speaks Chinese(Mandarin) as a first language, and guess what? She hates Chinese people, Japanese people, Taiwanese people, Cantonese people, and Tibetan people. She likes South Koreans and Thai people.

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  • lovly18

    why would you hate your own ppl. i can understand if you say dislike but dang! dats kinda harsh. just the other day i had a african american tell me that he "hate nigger" i was so mad bcuz i myself is african american. and its just wrong. you should really get to know what b4 you group them and judge them

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  • im not asian and i hate asians too!

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  • assholemcghee

    Not sure which I hate more, children or old farts. Old farts know better than to be old farts. We should take them and their fucking Buicks and dump them in the ocean.

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    Hey! Do you mean "hate" as in you are repulsed by them or just prefer not to associate with them?

    I'm Asian (BBC!) and, I have to say, I tend to try to avoid contact with other East Asians. I know I do this because I feel somewhat less Asian than East Asians I know. I don't know any forms of Chinese, am very foreign to customs etc and so I find it awkward as eventually the question "where do you come from?" will pop up.

    When I was younger I also felt associating with other East Asians would kind of brand me as an "Asian." It's nice to have an identity, but not to be branded and judged due to it. So for that reason I didn't really want to associate with other E.Asians when I was a kid. (This was after I moved house to a predominately White British area though. Before I'd no qualms associating with others with similar origins due to this reason. It was more the first reason I stated).

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  • hallo101

    i like to hang if they speak english w/o problems or accent. and im asian.

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  • Fantainfinite

    Yeah normal. I know mixed asians who don't like asians or jews.

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  • HaywoodUSuchmeov

    I understand this completely. I am like this as well. But I think it's simple. Like some here say they hate Italians and they're Italian, I think we have this "hatred" for our own race because we are exposed to them a lot more than other races. Kind of like hating a family member because you know them inside out and even though you love them you are annoyed at the little things they do.

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  • wreckignize

    I personally know 3 Asians (chinese and korean) who HATE other asians.
    Honestly, Asians are sub human, most are anyway. The few that are human, don't like other asians.

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  • rememberyourlimits

    Well I am an octoroon and don't particular like black people.(consider myself white and would not date anyone the least bit mixed, well maybe an Asian chick) . Normal, provably not, wrong provably yeah, but people are entitled to their own thoughts, so in other words, think what ever the heck you want.

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  • mashedtaters

    im white and i absolutly hate white people everything about them the culture the music the food i hate those crackers

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  • YooAndMi4ever

    LOL I'm also asian and when i was younger I hated asians also...but as i got older I started to like them xD so I guess its normal~

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  • dukepost

    Asians do suck.
    You are human, not a racist.
    But you do suck.

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    • vicky

      hey cheer up bro.
      U r like michael jackson a person who was black and hated himself so he spent money on himself making him all white.
      Dont be confused ??
      Dont get irritated ??
      U dont get along with asians thats okay.
      Atleast get along with ur asian parents that enough.

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      • dukepost

        Nice retort.

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      • dukepost

        Plus, fuck some big, fat dudes and find out how true your post is. Actually, tall, skinny dudes have the biggest dicks, followed by shorter muscular guys, followed by big dudes, followed by fat dudes. It is a fact.
        C unt.

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    • asianlover030

      well i love all types of asians lol XD so i guess this wasnt the smartest place to just come and comment lol

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      • shuggy-chan

        Yeah, right my fellow asian. well technically im 1/2 japanese, and i love asians too. and we have the best hair too. ppl are always trying to molest mine. xDD.

        and not all asians are alike too, i mean i consider my felf are an asion, but im also 6'3, so idk, mine not ur typical one

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  • StephDG5

    It is not normal. You shouldn't judge other people based on what country they are from. It is called racisim, and in your case it is even worst considering your racist against your own kind.

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  • idra20yrslater

    yea... i'm asian too.

    i also hate asians. it's a love/hate thing.

    i hate a lot more than i should.

    it used to be very bad...can be the testosterone fuck

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  • cementstone

    Definitely not normal. Someone made a great point to whether or not if you hated your parents. You must not even speak the asian language and only English. AM I RIGHT OR AM I RIGHT BRAH?

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  • LoveDragon

    You're letting your fear get the better of you. You need to imagine this as one huge game of Sims. You get one life though, so make it count.

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  • blackpplsuck

    Yeah I'd say it is normal because I can't stand black people, but I have a black friend. They can be so rude,and mean. Honestly though you should just try to get along with Asians since you're going to be Asian forever,and since living your entire life "avoiding" Asians is no way to live. I mean if you can get along with every other race of people getting along with your own should be a piece of cake. You should go see a counselor about this. Why do you hate asians? Try to find out the reason I know why I can't stand most blacks. At least know the reason behind it. Hating certain races is perfectly logical no matter what anyone says. We have all been trained by society to have our little prejudices.

    Hmm...Honestly though a lot of American Asians try to suck up to the white man too much and most white people don't give a damn about minorities so if you only hate Asians because you are trying to impress whites it's retarded.

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  • MercedesBenz

    You probaby just hate others because you dont quite fit in the little circle of them where you live, or youre jealous of others' success. Probably has nothing to do with race and more to do with the expectations from your family and local community.

    Man up and quit hiding.

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  • twixzy

    wow you sound like a bigot, a douchebag, and yes a racist. you are asian! what do you think you are white or something? asians probably hate you too!

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  • feelinMcCroch

    That's HILARIOUS! Your normal. But you can't escape the ASIAN INVASIAN!

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  • rainbowalike

    ME TOO!

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  • mrbob

    oh so you like to hangout with the bad group of people, Asians are too good, never do anything bad lol.

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  • Me37

    Hey that is totally normal. I'm the same as you. What people don't understand is that we grow up in a different culture that influences how we view the world.
    I grew up in the United States and then lived in Japan for a while.
    I've noticed that people in western cultures will be more sensitive to racist comments and have more emphasis on the politically correct phrases. In Asian cultures they are really really racist. They don't even know they are being racists and they still don't care. It's because they are in a hierarchal system. Meaning that they will put on a mask and act polite if you are not apart of their culture and when you are apart of their "in group" or culture they will give you their real opinion, be more likely to show their fucked up side but hey the best thing is they will "support" you even for the wrong reasons. It is like if the chinese hated the koreans but then the african americans started to fuck with the koreans then it is more likely the Chinese will support the koreans because they are from the "same" culture- even if their goals are different. Thy really are kind of a Aryan race only they support dark eyes and hair or whatever.
    I only say this because I know the culture and when you get out of line - they will smack you and put you back in line which I don't appreciate even if I am half asian. People who talk about being racist or what ever don't know what it means to be in another culture that doesn't value the same morals in the United States or in Western cultures. It is your world view that helps you live in this world and if you don't get along with those people it's fine. I have found that the culture in Korea doesn't align with my values or ethics so I just avoid them and I've done very well so far compared to friends who had to deal with their shit.
    You are normal. Don't worry. I support you. Hopefully you'll meet those few asians who don't act like that. ;) hope this helped you hun.

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  • ihateasiancars

    Me 2 I hate asians cause of their yellow cars. the race is ok but they suck when im playing crazt taxi i mean the yellow cars.


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  • Kevin034m

    asian people are cliquey and stick within their comfort zone. i dislike them too. Im asian(vietnamese/filipino).

    Asian Guys - Low self confidence/esteem, glued to video games and computer screens. If not, they are wannabe street racers.

    Asian Girls - Stop hanging out with other asian girls. Stop doing things purely for your reputation.

    Asian Parents - Too tough on their kids, Dont want their kids hanging out with any other cultures. I remember my friend's parents telling their son not to hang out with me because i look hispanic and it wont be good for his reputation. (i know this is normal in an asian family because my parents tried the same shit on me but i dont roll that way)

    What asian folks have no broken down is their entire culture is built on shame/guilt. They try hard in school(or things that come a responsibility of keeping up reputation) just to avoid the shame of stories going around and sounding like a complete failure.

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  • bigtoy

    I'm English and I am often embarassed by some of my fellow country members. Some of them are such uncultured twats that you'd wish you weren't associated with them by having the same nationality so I understand where you are coming from. I think it's perfectly normal to feel this way because everyone is different even though they are born in the same country and I don't think you are betraying your race by thinking this way. I can't imagine that there is anyone stupid enough to think that everyone in their country is perfect and that their race is without their faults except of course the germans...just kidding!

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  • herbivore

    I think its healthy to have a critical view of who you are, where you live etc. Hate is a strong word though.

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  • theblackkidthatgolfs

    That's valid, where I live it's native Americans. natives piss me off and talk like they don't care they sound like shit. but nah I have a native friend that doesn't claim himself as native. he dresses normal and gets white girls so if anyone asks what he is he says he is Irish because his last name is O'Daniel and he is 1%% irish.

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  • Lambent

    I guess it's normal?
    Maybe it's not that you hate Asians. Maybe you hate the way they act and the typical behaviors they share.
    I felt that way, too. So I hang out with Asians that aren't so Asian. If you know what I mean.

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  • ven067

    oh and i'm asian too

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  • roomy

    I'd say i5t's a little abnormal people as a rue tend to t like and trust their own group.(white black asian) but then agian it is also a question of how you define your group usualy it's the group that you grow up with family and relatives. Tell me were you raised by another race? It also seemas kinda odd to me because even though I'm white and proud of my people and culture I've found asians, more often than not, to be good people.I like to live around and work with other whites but if i had to pick I'd rather associate with asians then any other people. Tell me what is about asaians that you don't like?

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  • Desen

    I know what it is. You see, when you're asian you're only asian for a short time in your life. its like a cocoon
    then you're gonna burst out as a beutiful white person and then you can hate asians all you want.
    also the phase when ur asian is the worst time, usually experinced as a kid.

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  • afid

    you like mullatos(mudrace)?

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  • M0J00

    italians are indeed hot.What were we talking about again, oh yeah somthing about koreans or...

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  • HarleyQ

    I dated a black man who didn't like black people. He had never been treated poorly by white people, and only dated white girls. He was a good guy, but I didn't like the way he viewed other blacks. I think it's normal to bare resentment toward any race even if you are a member of it, but I think you should try to rise above. To categorize people strictly by their race is presumptive, and you could be missing out on really good relationships and learning experiences by doing this. Good luck to you.

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