Im deathly afraid of water

Not your typical water in glass. But on a titanic magnitude. Anytime I think of ocean water, or even see a picture of waves on an enormous vast sea of water, I get chills and goosebumps, like right now. Im terrified of its deepness, and how it engulfs you, a tiny speck in a gigantic sea. Ive had nightmares of giant waves engulfing me.

I once made the mistake of swimming at night in the ocean with a friend (she dared me to confront my fear) and even in semi shallow water, just hearing the ocean roar terrified me.

I screamed so loud, and started crying uncontrollably that my friend had to literally hug me after I frantically paddled out of there.

IIN? Is anyone else afraid of the vastness of water? Why am i afraid of it so much?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • so lovely immune, i say when its hot go to the local pool with friends and have fun splashing and diving for a toy, its so much fun, i have a claustrophobic fear of being in something small so its sort of opposite (dont know how id face that one tho)

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  • Immune2BS&way2Illuminated

    Your aware of your ratio of size to the ocean that's all. If the ocean wanted to get you it would have got you. Your dreams of it are your own subconscious fears and fear will always be with you if you never challenge it. If you can't defeat your fear then your mind is the master and not you the master of your mind.

    Your own mind is dominating how you feel and that's not normal, although everyone has a fear of something so your classed as normal by default.

    I share a similar feeling with you honestly, so I know what you mean. I once had a dream of a little house in the middle of the ocean on a grey, grey day with the huge waters grey and restless rising all around and wala a giant sperm whale comes crashing toward me and I was not prepared, wholly unprepared. True story, and deepness, black depths with unidentifiable leviathans, monsters all shrouded in mystery in the waters....

    Confront it, confront all of it in its majesty, and let the feelings wash over you again and again until you feel the fear no more...Or your in a psyche ward. It's up to you if you want to be lazy and have fear all your life, or stand up to it and tell "your mind" because that is all that is afraid(Many people love the ocean so obviously you have something that can be a great joy instead of a ghastly fear) that "you" are dominant and you are the creator of your destiny.

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  • Mersaphe

    I'm scared of the ocean too. I know how to swim but I've always been afraid of getting dragged too far into the sea by the strong currents and not being able to come back to land.

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  • Harridan

    That is what is called a phobia and I imagine it is a fairly common one, especially if you don't know how to swim.

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  • Omgitzme38

    it is normal. I am not as half my life i grew up near the ocean and still go to Fraser Island (QLD Australia) every year

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  • myownopinions

    "Aquaphobia is considered to be a specific phobia. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, specific phobias normally develop in childhood. Approximately 19.2 million American adults suffer from some type of specific phobia. The fear of water is a common specific phobia."

    According to the internet, it is a common specific phobia. So, I'd say normal. Everyone has a fear. If you want, there is even therapeutic treatment for this fear.

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  • xxlovexx365


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  • AL_Ranger

    Its as normal as any other phobia, nothing wrong with that. I can't pretend I understand the phobia but perhaps its just a fear of the unknown. In the sea you mostly can't see the bottom and you feel ting in comparison, the mind just makes up loads of scary scenarios.

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