Im fucked up?
I am 18yrs old, I have a boyfriend, and yes we're having sex. i tried using oral contraceptive but my mom found out, I came from a religious family...I'm torn between modern Ideas and religious beliefs or old fashion beliefs.
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I am 18yrs old, I have a boyfriend, and yes we're having sex. i tried using oral contraceptive but my mom found out, I came from a religious family...I'm torn between modern Ideas and religious beliefs or old fashion beliefs.
Fuck religion! You're 18 and as long as you're careful, you should be allowed to do so. Besides, we exist because of sex. Religions like Christianity are stripping away of this concept.
Religion is outdated. As long as you're practicing safe sex to avoid unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, who cares? It is your body, your life, and your sexual health.
It is NOBODY'S business but your own, especially at 18 years old when you are now, legally, an adult.
Deep down in your heart and the back of your mind you do what YOU FEEL YOU NEED TO DO. OR FEEL IS BEST FOR YOUR SITUATION.
Don't worry about them. Leave your religious past and have the sex that your body wants. Trust me from expirience, you won't tegret it!
You can easily conceal your birth control pills. Get a felt tip marker, carefully open the bottom and pull the inside that holds the ink out of it. Wash and dry. Put your wrapped up birth control pills inside and snap the bottom of the pen back on.
Your parents are way out of line. As an 18 year old, it is your responsibility to have sex responsibly. You may be able to fold a couple of condoms into a second hollowed out highliter pen as well. Of course, do this work at your boyfriend's place.
For more ideas Google up "how to conceal birth control"
Here's another link.
When I asked my mom for birth control she yelled at me and I got pregnant a few weeks later. You're 18. It's your business and no one else's.
Oral contraceptives are a form of abortion in life begins at contraception (true) but I dont get fussy unless you get an abortion after 15 weeks. As for your parents you are an adult you can make decisions. If they are just angry at the contraceptives tell them that your BF is using a condom and still take the contraceptives.