Im getting older watching people die around me.

last year 5 of my friends older than them.relatives 3 in the past 8 disabled with a bad back and im doing better than some 25 yr olds.positive mind man I am.with 3 kids.are people getting lazy because of electronics?weak because a robot helps at work?.wow

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Terence_the_viking

    Yep this happens unfortunately i'm quite young but a lot of people i know younger than me have died.

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  • sandnigga

    Phones are definately not helping some people these days at being social

    I dont know if it makes them lazier lol, maybe a few people

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  • agoodlovejoy

    True...people usually die from accidents and carelessness. Is it that you fear dying? Although your back hurts, spend more time enjoying many people. That way you will be destracted from so much grieving. Our time will come someday.

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  • AB1234

    Some people will die older than the average age of their friends, and others will die younger. Except for rare cases, I'd say it's normal to be either. Of course, depending on which camp you fall into, you might notice it and find it strange, but people don't necessarily die because of age-related failures.

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