Im not allowed use store bathroom i work at

So I work at this place but the window washer cleans in the morning. Much of staff get there between 7am-9pm. Everyone is forbid from touching the bathroom till after 9pm. They already left in a huff one morning becuase I had switch my shirt. Do you think owner would give me permission to clock in run across the street next door if I need the bathroom. I kind of just started not using the bathroom till end of shift becuase I dont want to make this escalate to piont of losing my job. My shift ends at 1noon. Also I have digestive issues so I kind of always in the bathroom as it is.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    I suggest you look up the laws in your neck of the woods. I'm pretty sure preventing employees from using the restroom is illegal in a lot of places.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    You mean they don't provide a toilet for you at all? If so, then that's surely illegal. Look it up to make sure, and then tell them that they're required by law to provide toilet facilities to their employees.

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    • No they do just the person cleaning then gets mqd and throws everyone out. So to avoid conflict I am just not using work bathroom.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Take a big shit on the floor.

    That’ll show them exactly why bathroom time is anytime.

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    • Lmbo Tommy xD best post

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  • Meowypowers

    They're doing coke without you

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