Im okay with pushing useless people off a cliff, iin?
I am all for pushing useless people off a cliff. Annoying people? Push them off the cliff. Idiots? Push them off the cliff. Disruptive people? Push them off the cliff.
We can have a test. Pass, you live. Fail? You're to be pushed off the cliff. But, they're human, right? I'm supposed to care? Not really, sorry. I can only care for humans that show promise. The rest? Push them off the cliff.
Is this a normal thought? I know you all think these same thoughts about someone that annoys you. If not? You're either lucky not to know such people, a slob, or too accepting. Spare me on the empathy idealism. I don't advocate random cruelty. This is only directed at retards that are such a social disruption they ought to be, at the least, locked up far away. Uncivilized lack of basic manners irks me to no end. Old people with dementia? Push them off the cliff. Smokers? I hate them. Push them off a cliff.