Im scared of nuclear war

Is it normal that I'm very much afraid of any country getting attacked by nuclear weapons? I think of the devastation they cause and all of the innocent people who would get hurt and its depressing. Sometimes I think about it so much I have nightmares and get depressed because there is such a weapon that can cause so much harm. But I support the USA using them if we have to because I love this country and I think the USA is the greatest place in the world.

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Comments ( 19 )
  • dappled

    So... if you were from another country and thought that country was the best in the world, would you support that country using them? Maybe even using them against the USA?

    You see the problem, I hope.

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    • TerryVie

      thanks for efficiently summing up my thoughts while reading. just saved me 5 minutes of formulating that myself.

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      • dappled

        I'm glad it made sense. I looked at it for ages before I pressed the button to post it. I really thought I might have mangled it.

        I've been trying to get my point across in fewer words recently. Sometimes it works. :)

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  • Justsomejerk

    I was right with you for about 80% of that journey.

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    I was right with you until you specifically stated that the USA was supported in using them. I'm from the Missouri and I do love where I live, but the USA is no better than many other countries out there. We should have no more rights than any other country.

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  • Imsupernormal

    Somebody ought to tell this moron the Cold War ended 20 years ago.

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  • Rebington

    A little paranoia is healthy, it sounds like you have seen media where these items have been used and have gathered a phobia, which is fine, you hide behind the fact that your country has nukes because you equate them not only with your fear but with the fear they (you think)instill in others, basically, its a phobia to you, completely normal, you find nothing wrong with the bombs themselves when used in defence, you're just scared of their destructive influence. I dont have a good analogy but i think i've made my point pretty clear, cheers

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  • EverythingIsNormal

    Try focusing all that energy on something positive, like all the good things in the world, or how to educate people to love each other so they won't need to use those bombs.

    Yes it would be terrible if that happened, so let's not let it happen.

    Anyway, it's pretty unlikely to happen, as more countries have the weapon so there would be retaliation. You're much more likely to get hit by a bus tomorrow, you should have nightmares about that instead.

    I understand you love your country, but as others have pointed out, that is the kind of attitude that leads to wars. We are all the same, we just live in different places.

    Also, skynet won't gain awareness till 2017 anyway.

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    • EverythingIsNormal

      By the way, have you travelled outside the US? To how many countries? How can you say the USA is the greatest place in the world?

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  • tellmeimwrong

    Well, since the cold war ended theres obviously been advancements in the weapons. So they are probably more deadly. If somewhere like London got it that would be fucking horrible a lot of people would die that didn't deserve it. And I only wrote that so the government won't track me down.

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  • randypete


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  • trollx1

    yes and America Is a terrorist state Obama Is attacking the middle east now

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  • shuggy-chan

    we dont want no nuclear war, with nuclear war we wont get far

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  • Otaku

    It's a normal fear. But you shouldn't say that its okay for the USA to use them because it's your country . Think about how others in another country might feel (probably the same about their country).The USA can't be labeled as better than any other country.and i'm not saying this out of anger . It's just really how people are raised in their countries.(I do know , i am american and I was always raised to think it was the best country ever , and i thought that for a while)
    But i do agree with you about the fear of war part , I get like that too , War really bothers me.

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  • Avant-Garde

    No. If anything the states will declare war on the other countries before anything could be resolved. Look at all the terrible things the country has done with bombs. Do you agree with what they did to Hiroshima and Nagasaki during WW2?

    Tsar Bomba was russian and the best there has ever been. I doubt the states or anyone else will be able to hold a candle to it for long time. Also, the cold war is over. There's no more "duck and cover" or mass bomb shelters being created anymore.

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    • tellmeimwrong

      Well the tsar is the deadliest atomic, but we now have hydrogen. Which is thermo nuclear and has a totally different energy release. Look up ivy mike, that was fifty years ago, imagine new H bombs. It wiped out almost fifty miles with only the first test, a whole island disinterested

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  • tellmeimwrong

    I said if we have to. They should never be used these things are terrifying.

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  • DaemonWolf

    Yeah I have nightmares too .. I see myself in a park playing with my kid and then the bomb goes off and I have to watch as both versions of myself get burnt to a crisp and obliterated.

    But then I wake up and realise I can stop it all from happening by killing the architect of the future apocalypse.
    It's all good, right?

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    i FUCKING love the USA!!

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