Im scared of the dark because of a scary movie

I saw this movie on tv called( darkness) i cant be in a dark room any more or sleep in the dark any more i saw the movie like a month ago is this normal. A family moved into a old house and the demons wanted the little boy they came after him in his sleep. Only in the dark they would mess with the family . The demons killed all of them in the end because it got the family to turn off all the lights

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Comments ( 17 )
  • Short4Words

    Well the important thing is to remember it was just a movie. I don't like much horror myself, it tends to stick with me.

    Before that were you scared of the dark?

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    • ***

      No not before the movie but when im in the dark im afraid someone will grab.

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      • Short4Words

        You will not be grabbed. I guarentee it. This is coming from someone who believes in spirits. I'm still not afraid of the dark.

        Listen, their is not point in being afraid of fiction. Someone created this story, it was just someones imagining, that's it, it holds no weight in the real world, but you are certainly letting it do a number on your mind. The best thing to do is face your fear.

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        • ***


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  • ifonlyuknew247

    Spoiler alert! J/k.

    For about two years after "Jurassic Park" came out, I would not enter a bathroom, my own, a friend's, or a public one, without checking behind the shower curtain and/or stall door super quick in case a raptor was there. Every time I got a weird look by someone else, I wouldn't even care. I just thought, yeah, I don't want to look weird and that'll be the time I don't check, and I'll be staring into the eyes of one, with Alanis Morissette's "Ironic" playing in my head and saying, "Clever girl," before I get my face gnawed off.

    Yeah, totally normal.

    P.S. I can't stand scary movies. I have nightmares about *one* scene I'll see by accident or morbid curiosity when my friends are watching, for months. Right now I can think of one from "Paranormal Activity 4" and one from the new(er" "King Kong".

    Thanks. I was about to go to sleep, but not anymore.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Sounds like an awesome movie. Now I want to see it.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    I already like this. I imagine that someone is going to come kill me in my sleep.

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  • thegypsysailor

    I had a similar experience when I was 7ish. Saw a movie called Murders in the Rue Morgue where a trained gorilla kills women and stuffs one up the fireplace. When a cop touched a drop of blood on the fireplace a woman's arm fell out of the chimney. Scared the crap outta me!
    Well, my room at home had a fireplace and I had to put a bookcase in front of it to sleep there.
    I eventually got over it and now, I love it when horny women come outta a fireplace to me.

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    • NotStrangeBird

      Nothing beats doing a woman in the ashhole.

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      • thegypsysailor

        Except maybe doing two at once.

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        • NotStrangeBird

          Bangor Maine, 1992. One was poor Frank's girlfriend (but not for long after that). The other was some random slut.

          Those were the days.

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          • thegypsysailor

            No, I said at once, not one at a time!

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            • NotStrangeBird

              I have much to learn about human anatomy.

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  • linchpin

    I was like this after I watched "don't look now." That dwarf in the red raincoat really fried my nerves.

    My imagination plays tricks on me in the dark.

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  • NotStrangeBird

    So all-powerful evil supernatural beings from the pits of hell that come to earth to possess and reap souls are afraid of some 100 watt bulbs?

    Does the whole concept seem irrational to anyone but me?

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    • ***

      But thats is weird

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    • ***

      The light burns their skin the movie showed their wrinkly skin and long nails

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