Im scared to break up with my first boyfriend and lose out friendship?
I've known him scince I was 8 years old. Im scared tht we break up and lose our friendship. We love eachother a lot but yeah:)
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I've known him scince I was 8 years old. Im scared tht we break up and lose our friendship. We love eachother a lot but yeah:)
I think it's normal to be scared of breaking up for that reason. The friendship you have with someone you're romantically involved with can be very strong, and losing that can be very painful if it's the biggest or one of the biggest friendships in your life.
It might be possible for you to remain friends even if you do break up, who knows? I don't think that is what normally happens, but as you were friends for so long before your relationship then it's perfectly possible :)
Who says you can't be friends? And if that is being used as a reason to be romantically involved - then that is just emotional blackmail and all the more reason to no longer be entwined.
sounds like you've had the friendship longer than the relationship, so why not?
Uhh ya know people don't always stay friends forevers anyway. Like its totally not like a fairytale and stuff. And you're gonna have to break up eventually right?! That's just the way it is.
one of the main reasons people dont end relationships that they are not really passionate about anymore is the loss of security and safety they think this would bring. You can see this by considering that relationships are most often ended when one of the two finds someone better. So i don't think it's uncommon but it IS a bad situation to be in. If you feel there is smth better for you out there you should end it, it is not fair to your bf either to hold on to the relationship while you are not committed anymore.
I don't think that your description was long enough to make a proper evaluation of your situation.
I didnt say we were breaking up at all , I meant to say that if we do Im scared to lose our friendship :3