Im thinking about taking up witchcraft as a hobby

ive always been fascinated with witchcraft. dont get me wrong i believe in god. but i really want to experiment with witchcraft. do you guys think this normal. if so help me with names of books and websites. r there any other people that practice witchcraft here?

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Comments ( 14 )
  • heyy do what the hell you want its your life just dont do anything to harm people or animals.
    So get out there and be the best freaking witch you can be.

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  • Sabbatha

    Witchcraft is a religion and not a hobby but it won't hurt you to learn about it.You may find that it makes a lot of sense.

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  • CraneyCrow

    Witches believe in god, too, just a different one. There's nothing wrong with being interested in witchcraft or learning how to do spells, etc.

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    • Ellenna

      Haven't you forgotten The Goddess?

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  • Hey noo funnies im a wiccan an it isnt all jokes they actually have great herbal remedies

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  • paradoxinsoxs

    Go for it Wiccan have been around much longer then Christianity maybe your eyes will be open-

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  • Fleabitten2

    There's a bunch of different magickal traditions, not just Wicca: chaos magick, ceremonial witchcraft, etcetera. There's even Christian Witchcraft and Christopaganism!

    Find which one works for you.

    Witchcraft isn't a religion--it's a practice. But it is sometimes used to mean the same thing as Wicca [which isn't correct, in my opinion].

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  • ieatrocksdirt

    wiccan for dummies. you laugh, but it really is a real book! :) i read it.

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  • My mom is a witch pretty cool

    she has her own cave & does crazy stuff

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  • jermath35

    Don't do it!!!! My gf was Wiccan and got possessed u can't do that and be christian lol it's the occult your basically into the devil....

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  • sharpievivid

    Your so dumb, witchcraft Really?? come on! next your be telling me there some divine being that created everything even him/her self yeah I'm sure,open your eyes....... WTF

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  • Nokiot9

    I'd be careful. What you pull out of the void can't always be forced back into it.

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  • VoodooDoll

    check out everything under the moon one of my favorites they have tons of info and on top of that they have a forum where you can get support and info on many things. alot of times with the internet you dont even need any books but do be careful and always know one how to reverse a spell you cast, how to protect yourself casting a circle and dont dabble with the heavy stuff until your ready

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  • I used to practice Wicca for a time and it was a really interesting experience. Also having scented candles and oils made my room smell lovely.

    Check for books online or in your nearest large bookstore. Also just make sure you don't do any black magic whatsoever, it's never worth the risk.

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