Im to empty to care

When I was younger I started having nightmares about killing and eating people mostly my friends and family at first I was both aroused and disgusted with myself then as the "nightmares" became daydreams and fantasy's I lost that sick feeling and it was about that time I stopped feeling very much of anything I just stopped giving a shit about anything else except those thoughts and eventually people started to notice so I put on a MASK this mask protected me from the people who wanted to pull my thoughts from my head like a rat in a lab through the years the mask is so easy to pull off and put back on because those fantasy's are still there and my stomach still growls and my mouth still waters at the thought of eating people and I still get aroused by the thought of ripping open someone these thoughts never stop and I know I'm sick for it but I've stopped giving careing idk if I'm normal but maybe I'm not the only one out there

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25% Normal
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Tommythecaty

    Empty people don’t tend to write long emo ass dramatic posts.

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    • Andi76

      I was going to say that. Emptiness feels so heavy that you wouldn't feel like writing the details that describes it. Even more so, you wouldn't be bothered writing anything at all because whats the point?

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      • Tommythecaty


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    • Neberu_Darkworld

      They do when there bored out there gord

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  • normal-rebellious

    Yes, it's normal to live in fantasy, strange things happen in a fantasy world, your mind pulls your weight, so you must be on your way to what's a piece of cake, they'll push behind you in prison and the jailbirds will call you a pretty boy.

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    • Neberu_Darkworld

      Already been in the pen dude was down on a 3 but thanks I guess

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  • LloydAsher

    "*I'm too* empty to care"

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    • Neberu_Darkworld

      That's honestly the funniest thing I've seen all week thanks for the laugh

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      • LloydAsher

        You can be as nihilist or as fucked in the head as you want.

        Just write a grammatically correct title.

        Also you are welcome. Spell checking wannabe cannibals is a part time job here.

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        • Neberu_Darkworld

          Haha nice what you paid for it an arm and a leg

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          • LloydAsher

            Only wannabe cannibals ask for an arm or a leg. Actual cannibals ask for buttocks and bellies.

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            • Iambillythemenacetosociety

              I ask for the eyes, but maybe I'm a different kind of cannibal.

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