Im too honest

People tell me I am too honest. I have no sense of protecting my reputation and tell people I just met my opinions on things and my weird past experiences. I don't know why I do it. I guess I just dont care. I told my boss about the time I got robbed by a midget buying painkillers, coworker was like yo dude why would you say that. I would make a terrible politician.

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Comments ( 18 )
  • olderdude-xx

    I've often been accused of the same; and I needed to learn that I didn't need to tell everyone about all kinds of things I thought or did.

    There is some often repeated saying about its best to keep your mouth shut and let other people assume good things about you than to open it and prove that their opinions about you were wrong.

    I suggest that you learn to use it to your advantage where it counts - and not annoy people with all kinds of things that would upset them that they really don't need to hear from you.

    I wish you well with this,
    Your honesty has advantages. My wife was initially very frustrated with my honesty. Then we had a major issue come up in our marriage... that too 6 months of active counseling and another 6 months to work things out.

    A huge key was she knew I was being honest. Otherwise the marriage would have failed.

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  • jodi1955

    you would not make it as a politician as they are all liars! but yet if someone wants your opinion they are going to get it, I would rather have the truth than a lie

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  • Somenormie

    Then I'm too dishonest.

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  • litelander8

    I’m also very honest. But I don’t rob people..

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    • Boojum

      To be fair to the OP, it sounds like they were the one who was robbed.

      All they were doing was innocently hanging out in a dark alley and hoping to get rid of some spare opioids they happened to find in their medicine cabinet.

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      • I was actually trying to buy them from a girl who had me take her to a gas station to get them. She said hold on and my friend said yo she just jumped in a car and drove off. We chased them. They pulled over and I pulled up to them and there was a midget sitting in the middle seat. The girl said "we just had to go down the street to get it. We are coming right back." The midget said "we are coming right baaack". I said yeah no give me back my money then. They then drove off and we chased them until we both got pulled over by cops.

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        • Boojum

          Sorry, dude, but 🤣

          I also apologise for accusing you of being a dealer, but the wording of your OP was kinda ambiguous. I imagined it as the midget buying drugs from you when he pulled out a shiv and threatened to remove your kneecaps.

          Did the cops have special teeny, tiny handcuffs for the person of restricted growth?

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          • Ahahaha, naw I didn't tell the cops what had happened but my friend did he ratted on everyone really. The girl who had robbed me with the midget had a warrant and she was arrested. She was balling her eyes out hysterically as they put her in handcuffs. I smiled and waved at her I cherish that memory. Idk what they did to the midget. I was too worried about going to jail.

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            • olderdude-xx

              I do such deal with both the cash and merchandise being exchanged at the same time.

              If I don't see the merchandise, they don't see the cash.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Sounds like you possibly have autism.

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    • olderdude-xx

      That's unlikely.

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      • hauntedbysandwiches

        Are you the one who asked this question?

        Being too honest and oversharing is a common trait of autism and many people on this site have autism so why is it so unlikely?

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        • olderdude-xx

          The % of people with Autism is low; and a lot of other people have problems with being too honest.

          If you read the later postings you will see that this involved a private purchase of an item where they attempted to rip the OP off.

          That's actually a fairly common occurrence - and has nothing to do with autism. Unfortunately, dishonest people and thieves are all around us.

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          • hauntedbysandwiches

            Well at first glance I just went with what I was thinking and actually it's high percentage overall and increasing. 1 in every 50 people in the US are diagnosed with it and many times it goes missed so it's more like 1 in 40 or less and this site alone draws in many people with autism. Over half the people on this site have autism.

            And their story doesn't mean they don't have autism lol so not sure where you're going with that. I'm not saying they without a doubt have it anyway just saying it's common for this site and being too honest is common with autism so thought I'd leave that info with OP.

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            • I definitely have some autistic tendencies. I have never been diagnosed with it though. I have crazy ups and downs as well I'm very happy and excited for days and then the next day I'm moping around feeling down. Idk if thats another autistic trait. I seem to be all over the place emotionally but I'm good at hiding it.

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            • olderdude-xx

              But, I would guess that at least 30% of the population are noticeably not honest; and not every autistic person is honest either (personal experience). I've never seen any studies that suggest that autistic people are more honest than the general population. Can you post a link to one published in a medical or scientific journal.

              By far, the most likely explanation is simple dishonesty vs honesty.

              I highly doubt that half the people on this site have autism, I even doubt that 10% of the people on this site have autism.

              I think you are projecting something you have personal experience with onto others; and your projections are far from reality.

              Many of the symptoms that autistic people have also occur from other things.

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