Imagining death every time i drive?

A month or so ago I had a bad car wreck with my kid in the car. He's only a year old but about the size of a 7 month old. Well a Guy ended up turning into me head on and totaled both our cars, my kid had fracture in his femur and I had both knees shattered, broken foot and just a bunch of bruises. That was my most traumatic on account of my kid was involved and what if? Had another wreck a month before. First time ever seeing snow (and boy did it Come quick) (from FL originally). Well I was borrowing my neighbors car and it wasn't snowing until right around the corner of my house, but coming down a winding road slipped on a patch sleet and hydroplaned ina circular motion 11 times or so down a small hill in the forest playing pingpong with the trees, and there's 2 more not serious ones.
But now every time I drive I literally picture the worst possible scenarios like if a car is pulling out into the highway a semi truck smashing and killing everyone. Watching kids cross a road thinking what if a car was to come through speeding and kills them all too. Every time I cross a four way I get nervous thinking what if someone decided to run that red light today and smash me?
I just use to be so oblivious to the cautions I now take. Is it normal to be so anxiety ridden now after these wrecks or should I need to talk to somebody? Hell would that even help?
Tired of imagining death.

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Comments ( 13 )
  • TrustMeImLying

    I remember it took me a few months to stop being paranoid/overcautious after my very first accident. and that was a minor accident plus not even my fault. I'm guessing for you it will take much much longer

    talking to someone always helps. for me I've gotten over a lot of my fears/anxieties by rationalizing them. kind of like a willful submission to whatever happens. i.e. even if a car did jump the light and smash into me, considering line of sight, angle and reaction time, there's not much I will be able to do about it. so why fret over it.

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  • green_boogers

    You might consider wearing a crash helmet in addition to your seatbelt.

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    • Sami•

      You joke but I've actually thought of doing this without being serious tho lol

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      • green_boogers

        At least wear a bicycle helmet, especially if the roads are wet or icy. They are light weight and cheap.

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  • NeofelisNebulosa

    That happened after my accident. Every time a car started to pull out near me, I would gasp and start breathing hard. I was fearful the whole time I was in the car.

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  • kelili

    My first accident was on my scooter. A big bus came from behind and I was sandwiched between the bus and a van. I managed to get out witbout a bruise. The second time still on a scooter and I hurt both knees and elbows. I often think about death while driving and I don't drive faster than 60km/h. You just have to be careful but sometimes even when you are.. Just tell.yourself that the probability that you get involved in another accident is low.

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    • Sami•

      Your very lucky to be alive being on a scooter and all, visualized the whole thing and it looked very gruesome.. angels at your side idk but that sounds more traumatic than mine lol idk how you get by driving anymore

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  • thegypsysailor

    I don't know how you could be walking around only one month after breaking both knees. Perhaps you are Superman, and with your driving record, you might be better served flying around, rather than driving.
    Seriously, I would suggest you stop driving, at least for some time. You need to figure out why you have so many accidents and get over the last one psychologically. With these thoughts racing around in your head while driving, you are in no fit shape to drive. You will cause exactly the sort of accident you fear.

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    • Sami•

      With my knees when I say shattered they just had multiple fractures like looking at a broken piece of glass, they only hurt for a few days until the swelling went down, then not at all just walking, but I still can't even knell on a pillow.
      But I assumed getting over the psychological fear would be more effective facing it and forcing myself to drive anyways? But bills still have to get paid and mouths fed, not driving isn't really an option..
      And all of those wrecks were freak accidents, my driving is better than most apparently lol.

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  • Shrunk

    I've never been in a serious wreck but I still have those same thoughts while driving... It's probably kind of helpful, to be a more defensive driver that way

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  • Darkoil

    I've never been in a serious crash, I t-boned some stupid cow once at a double crossing when she tried to jump a red light.

    I do have the same sobering thoughts as you though, there are so many people driving in England who either don't have licenses or never took a hazard perception test. I believe everyone who got a license before this was introduced should be remade to take their tests and anyone caught without a license should be given a custodial sentence, at the minute they usually get points and a ban on a license they don't even own to begin with.

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  • Waya

    dont think about it or your wish will come true

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  • Sami•

    Well thats a little relief knowing the anxiety might fade back into confidence, but I would still like to find the gypsy I've pissed off and blessing me with 4 wrecks in 7 months and apologize to her lol,

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