In that i got over suicidal thoughts by thinking of funny ways to do it?
I was a very depressed teen and constantly thought about suicide. I was talking about it one day with my best friend who had one hell of a dark sense of humor (he was the only person who could make me laugh back then). He told me about a cool way of killing yourself where you stand on a stool and take piano wire and tie one end around a sturdy rafter or something and the other end around your neck. You then take super glue and glue your hands to the sides of your head. When you jump off the stool, the piano wire will sever your head, but leave your arms and hands attached, making people who find you say "damn! Badass pulled his own head off! WTF?!?!?!??".
After this, I went into hysterical laughter and from then on when I got suicidal thoughts, I would always try to think of funny ways to do it. It was a factor that helped me get over my destructive thoughts and depression. Is this normal?