Incest ?

Okay so my younger brother who is 16 is always trying to come on to me in a sexual way. Sometimes he even reaches for my vagina but i push him away. I don't know if this is normal or not, but it sure doesn't seem right to me. It has gotten so bad that i have called social services. Please help me!

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Comments ( 64 )
  • lostinspace

    Kick him in the balls. See how horny he feels then.

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    • EmmaBlair

      That is just mean. Her brother is 16 and 15-19 is when most boys feel their horniest.
      Incest is wrong but he just needs a gf or something like porn.

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  • Alaskaraven

    Wake him up in the middle of the night, sitting on his chest with a french knife at his throat.

    Tell him you can kill him at any time, and if he EVER touches you, or even THINKS about it, you will cut his dick off. You must say this with anger and hatred in your voice. Boys & men need to know we are crazy, as many of them tend to do what they want otherwise. They fear crazy women.

    Then install an industrial strength lock on your door. He sounds like a rapist in the making. BTW, if he is your little brother, how old are you, and how soon until you move out?

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    • welcome_to_nightmare

      i have to say strong(sometimes crazy)women are hot! XXX

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  • ordoabchao

    People her brother isn't a little monster. It's up to you to teach him now, introduce him to your friends. Ask them to just be around him alot.

    Help get his ass a little girlfriend! Thats the much safer approach then to label him a sexual predator. Punch him out. Knock his lights out. My big sister would. It wouldve been death had i tried something sick.

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  • anti-hero

    pacify him with a quick hand job.

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  • okayokay

    uhh...he's 16. he should know right from wrong, and this is very wrong. he sounds like he has issues. tell someone, not only for your safety but for his, and other girls he might come in contact with.
    it's never acceptable to touch another persons genitals inappropriately ! Especially if they push you away, he sounds like he could become a rapist if he doesn't get help. Tell your parents.

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  • lovemybetchez

    eww i could never imagine my brother doing that, and if he did, i would kick his little horny ass

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  • graciebird

    Did DSS address the issue?? He needs therapy and you need protection. This is not okay. You should not have to put up with such behavior. He is completely disrespecting you and your own sexuality by overstepping boundaries like this. You need to tell your to a counselor. Do something. Whatever you do, do not do nothing. This issue has to be addressed. It is 100%% not okay and not normal. He has a problem and needs help. You need to do everything within your power to stop this behavior and you need the support of others.

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  • 468022

    Do you have a hand? can you make it into a fist? if so.......... HIT HIM LIKE HE IS THE DEVILS SON!!!!

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  • spongebobb

    This is very serious so please tell someone you can trust, family or a close friend. He won't stop on his own so do everything in your power to make it stop and do not give up.

    The same thing happened to someone very close to me. She was raped by an older cousin when she was 15. It started the same way but because she didn't have a close bond with her family she didn't tell anyone and eventually he forced himself on her.

    Your brother may be younger but if he can overpower you then it's only a matter of time before he will try. You should move in with another family member if at all possible and by all means stay away from him.

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  • Chooseyourweapon

    He is an animal.

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  • Tell .. tell ... tell. You have a right to be protected and free of this & your brother needs to be straightened out!

    Who? Parents, teachers, police, social services...

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  • chicken471bologna

    give him a BJ

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  • arthurtheaardvark99

    you are his older sister it is your responsibility to teach him how things go in the world of dating and relationships. guide him and be there as his emotional support and he will thank you later.

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  • peterrabbyt

    Suck him off and make him pay you for it from his allowance.

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  • like the saying goes, keep it in the family.

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  • pbr6514

    When I was 16 my 14 year old sister hit on me. We ended up having a loving relationship. I am now 36 and happily married as is my sister. We still get together occasionally to make love to each other. It's a wonderful thing.

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    • Natural love 🤗

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  • Fleabitten

    Seek help--teacher, parent, cop, social worker, pastor, friend's parent, other family member.

    Seek help before it's too late.

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  • SweetAdeline

    Yes, it's normal for teenage boys to get "turned out" by their sisters and you're certainly not the only one who has ever had to deal with a situation like this.

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    • kinkdaddy47

      I used to smell my sister's panties she let me she knew I was just curoius

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    • SweetAdeline

      It's getting late, I mean to say "turned on" by their sisters. Sheesh!

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      • milkymum

        thats so ture i got 3 bros and they all ha there fair feel of my breasts

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    • Artist

      There's....being turned on by a sister or brother and ....just being flat out, disrespectful and ignorant. Many of the younger generation these days are disrespectful, feel like they're all owed something and have no respect for family, authorities, etc. I miss the days of when it was ok for the neighbor to see you outside doing something wrong and drag you to your house by your ear telling your parents what you did. Seriously, I think alot of these kids nowadays just need a good hard smack or two to wake em up. My older sister punched me in the privates once or twice when I was younger if we had a fight, I didn't go run and tell my parents either, he knows what he's doing is wrong. Then again, I'm former military also, so I have no qualms about smacking someone straight. The punk needs a swift one and tell the parents, if that doesn't straighten em out, send em to boarding school or military school.....or kick em out of the house, a good night sleep outside in the snow with nowhere to go does wonders for smartening up a punk.

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  • CreativeThinker

    Talk to your parents before you get pregnant by your own fuckin brother.....

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  • saltpower

    show him some porn on the internet watch with him after a while he will watch that with out you and not care about our in that way work for my friend

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  • Hiljaisen_susi

    That's not normal. Have you spoken to your parents about this?

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  • You shouldn't rat out your brother. So uncool.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    now that he's what 18?... is he still trying?

    was it good?

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  • ladyday

    he might have been sexually abused by a family member when he was younger, and now he's sexually confused. He needs help.

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  • ZOR69

    Well, if he won't leave you alone, you probably did the right thing by calling social services. I hope they were able to help!

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  • That is a very serious problem. He needs to get help. Also, talk to your parents about it. Good luck

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  • Bitcomet


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  • notnormal89

    Just because we shouldn't have sexual feelings for people were related to doesn't mean we don't have them. Anyone who has an attractive member in their family and says they haven't fantasized about them is lying.BUT just because we have these feelings doesn't mean would should act on them. You should talk to your brother and your parents and maybe get him some help.

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    • PikaPuff

      notnormal89 I had a crush on my older cousin for awhile, but in all fairness he looked like the lead singer of The Who when he was younger. So it's like, well he sort of looked like a celebrity so, eh.

      I think it must be so awkward to be the daughter of a male celebrity that makes most women wish they could get into their pants. I remember hearing that Steven Tyler's daughter told him one time before going to a party, not to return with a woman younger than she is.

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  • it depends are you like really hot because if your not he has a huge problem

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  • pidgeonshaveAIDz45

    get him fixed. like a cat. then if he surprise attacks you you wont have to worry about your eggo being preggo.

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  • agentnyc

    he is a nut case,get out while you still can

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  • rubih1992

    DUDE! this is TOTALLY not normal...seriously wrong. YAL need to something. !

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  • hotchickie81

    hmmm i know of someone who had a similar issue...

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  • It is natural - teach him and enjoy sex with him - ENJOY 🤗🤗🤗🤗

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  • Whatisnormal85

    Its normal for him to be curious of you and or even attracted and sexually interested in you. Hes coming into his sexual realm. However that being said you need to decide if thats something you want to explore which by the sounds of it youre not interested in exploring that avenue and need to make that abundantly clear to him.

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  • misslonglegs

    Lock your door and if he tries it again kick him in the privates my think twice

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  • Artist

    When you're younger, you have stages with a sibling of subconscious sexual things, maybe flirt in an odd way. I have an older sister, she would ask for backrubs when we were younger, she'd be in her bed, in just underwear and a bra, I would get so excited, I mean.....I was sitting on her thighs while she was on her stomach, rubbing her neck, back, shoulders, hips, butt, thighs, and she was in great shape, so how is a teenager with raging hormones not supposed to get rock hard? However, we never did anything with each other and honestly, I would fantasize, probably only because I was just so horny, and most of the time she'd ask for a back rub, I'd never want to, she'd have to bribe me to do it, I think it was like a dollar a minute or something. Fantasy is ok, the opposite sex we are in contact with the most growing up is our brothers/sisters, so as we're hitting puberty, it's next to impossible to not have this. As far as his you have a cell phone with a camera, tape recorder? I'd record this next time and threaten to tell your parents, that should scare him enough.

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  • milkymum

    i got 3 bros and growing up was good and bad but they always looked at my breasts like all boys do so sort of got used to it even when they touched but they never touched my birth canal tho, his hormones are all over the place at the moment and you got to see if its the way you dress or talk to him etc etc and tell him he needs a gf and not you.

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  • That dude needs to get a girlfriend!

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  • karmasAbich

    Hahaha I can't help but laugh at how gross people are. It is in no way okay to touch family in a sexual manner.

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  • ronihilly

    It is scary that the brother is doing this, and he has to be exposed (pun intended) and if therapy isnt successful, then disciplinary action taken. What scres me MOST is that this kind of situation would compel the girl to poll strangers online about something that has an obvious answer. Have we become a society so "tolerant" of deviant twisted behavior that a biological brother molesting his sister causes most in this forum to say to themselves.."hmmm, lets see, i wonder if this is normal?". The Parents have allowed t.v. and social websites to define right from wrong. People now 30 and under from 2011 going forward are in real trouble as society erodes and basic truth is gone for good. My comments are not based in religion, but you tell me how far do we have to degrade until ANYTHING is up for debate for "normal". I fully expect to read a post asking "IIN that I just stabbed my family to death while they slept? Then see 80 people debate the subject...good grief people.

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    • Artist

      I agree with most of what you say. But, I also deeply believe that this site is a place for people to go to post things that they either fantasize about or think about but a large majority of it is made up. In a way, it's a way for them to almost get off on their fantasies just writing about it, knowing other people are reading it and responding. I think many know alot of these things are not normal. I also think there are many who just make up weird stuff because they're younger, just to have a laugh.

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  • PabloLewis

    I sware love,id grab his ball bag so tightly,id bring tears 2his eyes!! & id keep on sqeezing them,till he'd yell out!! Honestly love tell Ur parents about it!! its a disgrace if U let him get away with it!!! lots of love Xx

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  • kesdog

    it time to teach your little brother a lesson use tell him to stand it his jocks hand behide his back and kick him in the balls very hard and while he is on the ground in pain explain to him if mom or dad found out what what you did make it firm and loud this normally works makeit very clear to himits not good for him at all kesdog

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  • chingon

    That don't seem rite and good for you for calling S.S. if you wouldn't have it would have gotten worse

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  • well, he is a man. men are pigs boo

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  • Wasteoid

    he may well have some sort of learning disability, otherwise it's probably a job for a psychotherapist, most certainly not acceptable behaviour.

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  • bleach_baby

    gowilla is taking the piss, check his/her profile :P


    But before you call social services, you should talk to him and tell him what he is doing will ruin your sibling relationship, and also that its wrong.

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  • Alaskaraven

    P.S. No matter who he tells, deny, deny, deny. Make HIM sound like the freak /nutcase.

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  • IveGotBallsOfSteal

    NOT COOL. He needs therapy or this is going to land him in jail one day. he's going to cause you and others physical harm. Uncool.

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  • Janie2T

    My brother and I played with each other's privates from an early age, and rubbed them together too. Eventually, we did go all the way, when we were fifteen. We usually would use condoms, but some times they would break, so that was scary. And, eventually, I did end up p.g., either by him or an uncle. By then, I was supposed to be on the pill, but I guess I'd got knocked up before I went on them. Oh, well, just bad luck. (shrugs!)

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    • bluesun

      such a big slutty

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    • Stifler

      Thats not funny.

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  • teemon

    he is your yonger bother. Take him out on a date and show him how he should treat a lady. this is not some hip hop video he is living in. And if he can not keep his hands off you still, you must me very hot. but if he behaves himself then give him a little peck on the check and send him to his room to finish alone. He needs to see you as a woman not just as a pices of meat or less. He may start to treat you better, but you will have to keep him at arm length untill he respects you or you return the favor to him and grag his croch. but if you do you may need to finsh what you start with you hand that is. You will need to talk with him about you and him or is it just about him. if it is only about him then tell him to get the f off.

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    • drhouse

      i approve of teemon's suggestion. this young buck needs to learn how to treat women NOW instead of getting in trouble with some girl later on in life in HS or college. you could be the one to make the difference.

      oh and if that doesn't work, have your BF beat his ass or call the cops/dshs

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  • gowila

    Open your mind up to the fact that it might be fun.

    Try it out

    My younger brother hit on me and I let him rub my pussy. I realy liked it in the end

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