Incomplete std tests

Hello, I recently got paranoid after learning that my ex had sex with a lot of women while we were together.. They're all meth heads and sex addicts btw and after researching on Google about the effects it really scared me coz a lot of stds don't have symptoms and most of the time women will suffer the health consequences later on. The thing is my city only has testing for HIV and syphilis.. What about all the others? We're even a major city and not a totally shitty country but was surprised when I called every hospital and center only to find out they only test for HIV and gonorhea..can't afford to go to our capital city so far away to get tested:(

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Comments ( 2 )
  • ihavewindexpoisoning

    That's sad, I nearly cried a bit reading your story. Get a job to pay for your own tests and stop having sexual intercourse with skanks.

    Where do you live, Botswana?

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  • Nickvey

    so, did he supply you with drugs for sex? my guess is thats what he did. you should probably get tested for asymptomatic chlamydia. you doctor should be able to order a test kit and do it in his office. But it might cost as much as you flying to another city.

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