Incredibly afraid of the dark; iin?

Whenever I see very dark places (almost completely black), I have a sudden, almost crippling wave if fear. This fear is complete and paralyzing; and this only ever happens at night, closing my eyes neither triggers this fear nor relieves it. If I know it exists, I can't bear to turn my back to it unless the area I'm in is bathed in solid, bright, warm(not bluish or icy; more like a candle or incandescent bulb light) light. I have ADHD, dyslexia, OCD, and asthma and I take 36 mg of methylphenidate daily, for anyone who is knowledgeable in the area of psychology or is a pharmacist.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • CupcakeMarshmallow123

    I'm not on any pills or anything, but I completely agree with you. I have to get my sister to go into rooms to turn the light on, even during the day. And I have night lights in every corner.
    I'm insane, I guess. (:

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  • Short4Words

    I have know education in that field an considering you have asthma I am a little hesitant to throw you into a situation like this. But I believe the only way to overcome fear is to, conquer it, defeat it. When I was younger I was really afraid of the dark. I hated it, and avoided it at all cost, but I was embarrassed to be afraid. One day though, and then countless other times, I would turn around in the basement in near pitch blackness, and brace myself, because a part of me knew there was nothing to be afraid of, and I believed it for the most part. And continuously over the course of some few years into my early teenage years I slowly overcame that fear.

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  • trmt

    I Am Slightly Scared of the Dark, I personaly think its natural because of maybe the media or just like stories pass around sometimes it gets me convinced that someone will fuck my shit up.

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  • kkisawesome

    When I was little I would sleep with the lights on.And I still don't like the dark it scares me!

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  • Pika-girl

    I am also afraid of the dark, but not INCREDIBLY afraid of it. That's why I sleep with a night light. Sometimes, you have to overcome your fear or else it might stick with you for a while. Maybe you could do this:

    Doing this daily, turn off the lights for at least 5 minutes. If your too scared, turn it back on, but this means that you have to do it again for a few more days.

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