India, sex / pregnancy before marriage is this bad?

Ive been dating an Indian and the stories I hear on social media and through people it scares me especially what they say about the Indian religion or culture. I love him, I truly do and I don't want to lose him, his parents know about me and apparently they're fine about us. But the question I ask myself is it okay to have children before marriage because this is something him and I are planning on doing and he's given hints about it to his mother which she sounds like shes okay about it but to be honest I have no idea if it would affect his Family and put shame and guilt upon us, im scared that something bad would happen to him or I, I don't speak the language but he's helping me learn and that's something I feel I have to do is learn about the culture and language first, him choosing me from a foreign country is a really big life changing decision. I truly love him and he is gonna be the first and last love of my life.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Doesnormalmatter

    I wouldn't care much about their culture and shit. But having kids before marriage may not be the best idea but that's not the idea of this post to be fair. Just don't not have kids because his culture says so. Think for yourself dammit!

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  • zarabell

    i dont know. ask papa Google. and dont let old preconceptions/traditions hold you back. you two decide what you want to do. if you wanna have kids, please do. not too many I would recoment, unless you got the financial backing for it (which I would doubt, because kids are expensive af)
    also life is not easy. however, 2-4 kids is the best number in my humble opinions

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  • litelander8

    It's 2019. When a child is born it's a blessing, not a sin. I'm Catholic and I have 2 kids out of marriage and they are well loved by my family.

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    • Clunk42

      You act like your sin is not a sin. Of course your children are loved, as they should be. They should not be punished for the sins of their parents.

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      • litelander8

        I don't think procreation is a sin. 🤷🏾‍♀️

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        • Clunk42

          Unmarried procreation is though.

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  • Clunk42

    "Indian religion" doesn't exist, and "Indian culture" is fine. I would suggest not having kids before marriage simply because things happen.

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