Infected library.

I haven't been to a library in a long time. I have very recently considered going back because not only do I need to get out of my house, but borrowing books is much easier on the finances than having to constantly buy books. However, I am very concerned about risks to my health. In the past, I have found quite a few books that contained suspicious fluid stains in them. My biggest concern is that I'll pick out a book that has blood in it. What if this blood has aids in it? What if the blood unknowingly gets into my blood stream and I become infected? I have gotten this before fear in conjunction with some other things, but never was it as crippling as it is with this situation. Is this normal or even possible?

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17% Normal
Based on 42 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • audiomuse

    You're not going to get AIDS from dried blood in a book lol. I think it's normal to be a bit grossed out by anything that has been touched by hundreds of people and not cleaned... handrails, etc.

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  • kelili

    Stupid reads too? :D Just joking.

    Seriously, do you believe what you have said? I cannot imagine someone really believing that he can be infected with aids by borrowing some books.

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  • noid

    Treatment for OCD may be appropriate.

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