Inn i'm paranoid of closed shower curtains?

I know it's weird, but ever since I can remember, I've always had to check behind the shower curtain before I used the restroom or washed my face in the bathroom. I think my fear might have come from the movie "Psycho" or something. My brothers used to play pranks on me and jump out of the shower too, so that probably contributed to my fear. Is my fear rational?

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Comments ( 23 )
  • Owly

    My roommate and I BOTH leave it open... it's an unspoken rule and forbidden to close it. If I close it, she'll open it, and vice versa. Tis only human!

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  • thegypsysailor

    A perfect example why children do not have the intelligence to choose which movies they should and shouldn't see. All adults are stupid as crap and all we do is screw up their lives, but then they ignore the advice and end up traumatized for YEARS. Way to go.
    Nothing personal, but you are a great example of why there is a rating system on films, etc.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      psycho? a scary movie? what is it 1963?

      oh i forgot yall were fraida birds

      prolly fraida wee bitsa rope and a climbin masts too

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      • thegypsysailor

        What does psycho gotta do with byrds?

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        • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

          the fuckin director of them movies? alfred hitchcock?

          what a fuckin momo

          i try and make a joke with some semi intelligent references and they goes right over yalls empty fuckin head

          and yall thumb me down too? classy

          it makes sense when i thinks bout how yall caint figger how to git into a movie theater

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          • thegypsysailor

            I don't thumb you down; too much effort. You are like dog shit on the pavement; something to avoid if one possibly can. Otherwise, well it ain't that big a deal to get out the hose and wash the stink off.

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            • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

              so i gots the whole dismissive "im so above it all" routine and some name callin?

              if only yall told me how much smarter than me yall was (which we both know be flagrantly wrong) itve been the trifecta

              so avoid me. run away like yall does with all yalls problems. yalls whole lifes centered round runnin away

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    • Ellenna

      I read somewhere that no woman who's ever seen Psycho forgets it enough to not at least occasionally be uneasy in the shower. I saw it in the early 60's as a nearly adult teenager and made my bf take me home after the shower scene: I didn't watch the full move for years .. it's still scary!

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    • canihelpit

      And parents get mad because your watching the Simpson's or family guy and American dad, because it's exactly how the adults act ... stupid as shit, they don't want you to know the truth. Especially family guy!!!

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      • thegypsysailor

        I've never seen even one episode of any of those 3, so I really do not understand your statement. Not saying you are wrong, just haven't a clue.

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  • ThisGuyHere

    I'm always on guard, ready to kill any spiders...

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  • Nokiot9

    It's a normal human reaction. You are most vulnerable when peeing or whatever so u check to see if anyone is gonna get ya while u do ur business. It's why most of us lock the bathroom door behind us even though we might be the only person in the building.

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  • CanadianCowboy

    I feel the same way, I always have to have it open when I'm peeing

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  • green_boogers

    Clear shower curtains are the best. They make bath time brighter. You can talk to other friends in the bathroom while taking a shower, or simply look thru the curtain to admire yourself in the mirror.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      slidin glass doors are better

      curtains git sucked in and gainst the showerer due to the convective nature of hot water mixin with air

      plus womens can press theys wet boobs gainst glass doors and put on a show

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      • Ellenna

        Yeah well I've worked as a domestic cleaner and could happily murder whoever invented clear glass shower screens - bet it wasn't a woman and it definitely wasn't a cleaner!

        However thought we all wanted to be on the stage whenever we're showering? It's not a public stage, it's supposed to be a private stage.

        Shower curtains only need some weights in the bottom hem to hold them down and they're HEAPS more hygienic than glass - just chuck em in the washing machine & you won't get mould accumulating as around the edges of glass.

        Wet boobs against the glass sounds hot though ......

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      • megadriver

        I second that. Shower curtains are useless and don't look nearly as nice as glass doors.

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        • Ellenna

          But do you personally clean those glass doors?

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          • megadriver

            Sometimes. My girlfriend cleans those most of the time, but it's not that hard. If you got the right cleaning product it takes what 5-10 minutes to make all the glass shine

            Also women can't put their breasts against a shower curtain can they? But against glass... XD

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            • Ellenna

              I guess I hate them because when I've worked as a cleaner people often haven't cleaned them for months or years and it's very hard work to get built up grime off & I've copped shit for taking as long as it takes to do the job.

              Then there were the clients who criticised the slightest streak I left - as if it mattered!

              I don't hate my own because I got the glass really clean a couple of months ago after neglecting it and now it's easy to keep clean. Plus next time it's appropriate I'll try out that tits against the glass idea on someone - don't know who at the moment, I'll have to give it some thought .........

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      • green_boogers

        Yep. Gotta like those shower handles on the wall so the womens can hold on during shower sex after the show.

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