Insest sex life
okay im 12 and my older brother raped me and now im pregnant.. i know thats some hillbilly sh*t rite t here but should i keep the baby or have an abortion?
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okay im 12 and my older brother raped me and now im pregnant.. i know thats some hillbilly sh*t rite t here but should i keep the baby or have an abortion?
The thing here is, be this a genuine situation and not the product of the writers imagination, she wouldn't have a choice! Being underage, the law would chose for her what happens to that baby. Furthermore, I don't understand why she hasn't gone to the police for help. Her sick fuck brother should be locked up where he'll be raped repeatedly. And you know what they're like in prison to pedophiles - God knows what they'd think of an incestuous pedophile. I think he'd be a dead man. Justice will be served and hopefully this poor girl will be helped accordingly. First step is go to the social services or police.
And furthermore, for all those who left rude remarks, mostly men I imagine - it's a great pity they don't often experience rape. Not that I'd wish it on anybody really, but to see remarks like that above, I must admit, I battle not to wish it on them. It is devastating to deal with, takes a lot of courage to face life afterwards and rebuild the shreds of one's life. Not to mention all the family members that are emotionally destroyed along with it all. One day, those guys who posted rude comments are going to be fathers and hopefully will not have to experience the true horror of their daughters being raped or abused in any fashion. The saddest fact of all is that more women than not have experienced rape, almost every women I've ever known has had such an experience (rape or molestation) at some point in her life. What a fucked up world we live in. I simply don't understand how we even got this far into civilisation - if you can call it that.
keep the baby...when the baby borns..give it to rumplestiltskin or some other magical midget..
hey. I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you. and I'm sorry because I feel that your parents probably don't really care. I've been raped as well and it's terrible but I don't have to literally live with it every day.
I think you should have an abortion. for so many reasons. first the baby has a big chance of having a handicap, and being 12 and probably not financially stable, you won't be able to handle it. you will end up resenting it. you have so much more to live for.
choose for your own. choose your life. study hard, get good grades, get a tuition, and start your own life, with or without your family, depending on whether they love you (not sexually) and support you!
Hey, I'm so sorry this happened. I know you're going trough tough times. But best thing in my opinion is abort, but that's your final decision. And your older brother I say you go to your parents. And authority as well. And come on people with the rude remarks!
People on her are so nasty!! That poor girl got raped at the age of 12 by her brother and you leave her horrible comments like that! She's asking for help not abuse.
It is your choice. It isn't fair what happened to you nor did you ask for it. However, stuck in this situation and your poor, young age you have to really decide what to do. I am so sorry but make sure that the fucker who did that to you pays dearly for what happened by both legal charges as well as financially.
I am so sorry.
Don't abort the baby, that's terrible. If you can't keep it then put it up for adoption. How old is your brother????!
Did you tell your parents that your brother raped you, and if not then who's baby do they think it is??
What are all you F****D up people talking about keeping it! Crime against nature.. THEY HAVE THE SAME GENETIC MAKE-UP.
In terms for you idiods that if they are carriors of any disease THEN THEY WILL HAVE IT. RESSESSIVE OR DOMINENT
increasing the chances of that by 75%% is a "CRIME AGAINST NATURE"
Incest sex life? That would seem to me to imply a regular on-going affair, not a single act of rape, which is described later. So I have to admit to feeling somewhat confused on that score. My wife had an incest sex life during her younger years.
Wow your pregnant at 12?? I didn't even have my period at that age! I am normally dead set against abortion, but you're not even a teenager yet. You're still a kid, it would literally be a kid trying to take care of a kid. Plus it wasn't your fault! He rapped you, it's not like you went along with it... have you told your parents yet??
Over all I think you should get an abortion. Not people the baby will have deformaties, because wether it does or not you should still love it the same. But you're way way way to young to be having a kid. A kid having a kid...
Abort . Chìld born our of close relatives suffer from genetic problems . Moreover u r too young to handle a Bâby
U shud stop commenting on this it happened almos three years ago by the way I think it's fake
what the could you be pregnent at age of 12?a kiddo giving a kid....wooooo
keep the baby, you can practice how to apply make up much more efficiently now cuz its gunna have 4 sets of eyelids and 3 lips. I love incest, throws a spanner in the works.
My wife got pregnant by her brother, but not when she was twelve.
It is very risky for a twelve year old to try to give live birth, so I would favor the abortion in this case. Also, there is great danger of the baby being abnormal. In general though, I think abortion is bad.
first i think u should talk to ur parents about this situation n plz DONT have an abortion
you guys are ass holes dont kill the baby have it then put it up for adoption or if so keep it
You need you decide yours self and I think deep inside you know the answers
Normally I am against abortion even in the case of rape and incest. I make two exceptions for abortion though 1 if the child is defective (which incest increase the chances of but does not make certain), and 2 if the woman (or in this case girls) life is endanger. Yes there are some 12 year olds that can safely have a baby but that is rare.
What I will say is report the rape
Abort! Abort! Abort!
Why didn't you press charges against your brother?!
If youre telling us the truth, I'm so sorry for what happened to you. but let me ask you, are you ready to be a mother? are you willing to accept the baby must he/she be born unhealthy?
You don't want to have your life ruined by having a baby at age 12
Think about the baby. Would they really like to grow up having deformaties? I would have an abortion. I'm not trying to be cruel, but the truth is, is that how can you have a baby, when you know it won't grow up right? It will never be like the others, and will go through its like suffering. I think the kindest thing to do, would be to let it go.
u r fuckin 12 years old....... dont keep it, i ganrentee u... ull lose lots of things u have, people will think ur a slut whether u got raped or not.. GET A FRICKIN ABORTION!!!!!
Well, everyone has a right to their own opinion, but I fail to understand why some people feel the need to be so NASTY! An old French proverb goes - "to speak kindly does not hurt he tongue." Rude behavior in any form marks the person who does it, anonymously or not. Some of the people should be asamed of themselves.
For the record, I am very INTERESTED in incest, because as a teen I got to have sex with my mom, and my wife was sexually involved with three of her brothers. Are we ashamed of ourselves for it? I think maybe a little bit, but not really overwhelmed with guilt over something we had little control over. I know that incest is not always a good thing. It can be kind of pleasant under some circumstances. Rape is nearly always bad, and incestuous pregnancies can definitely be a problem.
"Let he (or she) who is without sin, cast the first stone."
Don't keep the baby abort it and also let your brother fuck you at least once a week.... so it does not happen again make him wear a condom though.
To Be Honest We are all Insest if you wana take it biblicaly we all came from adam and eve from then on out it was brother sister and cousin all having sex thats how we got here idc what people say there was or wasnt enouph evil at the time bs idc how much evil there was we are still insest look at animals they do it with there syblings all the time. So No keep the baby idc if its a crime against God Nature or not the question is, is there really even a God because the whole insest thing with the bible doesnt make since to me.
Don't think of abortion as a murder tool.
The thing normal people need abortion for is for the fact that the woman body is a bitch and easily gets pregnant when you don't want to (due to rape or failed protection). Basically the woman's body is being unfair to the woman, so to be fair, women abort. So lighten up about it. Of course, if you really want the baby, or you regret doing it, then don't. If you think it would do more harm to your life and the baby's life, well... I don't know the health risks of abortion.
dude i hope u read this get an oprsin and kill that fucker not rilly but get him in jeil and hope that he bruns in hell that guy is so sick in the head and if is to late i hope u have a normal baby and do not tell him or her about it and make shere u get her away from any insest fucker
okay to all you dumbasses out there who are making rude comments to this poor girl this could have rly happend to her and it's not her fault if she was raped because i myself have been raped as well and it's something that rly hurts....keep the bby if thats what you rly want and no matter if theirs something wrong with it or not it's still your bby and you should love it's not your fault its your brothers