Internet history

When did you start interneting? How old were you? Where did you start? How has your internet persona changed since then?

I began when I was about 10 and the internet was just beginning to gain momentum, in the early 2000's. I started out on the Disney website, playing games and stuff. That was when they had those weird robot people like Tom Morrow.

Within a year or 2 I found my way to Yahoo chat. I started ridiculous, yet innocent conversations about stuff like shrimp monkeys for what reason I don't know.

That soon became boring so I immersed myself in everything Harry Potter. I was all over the internet looking for a way to be able to talk to Daniel Radcliffe. I never did, but I did score a (most likely inauthentic) autographed photo of him via snail mail. Eventually I receded into a Harry Potter forum, had some laughs, learned since stuff and got to know some people. I developed a crush on a boy in Mexico named Melvin. Then I got bored, trolled a little, pissed everyone off and caused one user to create a sub-forum made up of 5 or 6 of us, to which I was invited (heh heh).

Today, I find the internet dull, repetitive and faux-intellectual. I wish I could just not use it at all. It's sold out like the rest of modern society, so I rarely even bother. I just scroll through Facebook and shit like that.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    In 2001, when I was like 12 I used to really be into Dragon Ball Z and Sailor Moon and would look up anything and everything to do with it. A lot of the stuff took forever to load and downloading things took forever too.

    As a teen I became an internet troll and trolled people on MySpace, Meez, and Yahoo Answers. It was the "argue or insult" kind of troll. Not the "report people for no reason" troll". I did become kind of liked there after I had a change of heart and started trolling other trolls. It was stupid because I was a stupid teen. I got bored of it eventually and stopped.

    When I was like, 20-27, I was on all sorts of forum sites: weight loss ones, yaoi ones, manga ones, etc. I left most of them by 2014 because I got tired of seeing people get suspended for merely having different views. I also watched a lot of porn around 2010-2015.(Now it's boring to me.) I found IIN around like, 2012 and I can't seem to leave this place. XD

    So I went from being a DBZ loving kid, to an asshole teen, to an asshole adult who eventually snapped out of it. I love the internet. It's capable of almost anything. I can order stuff on it, chat with someone, watch a video, or just listen to some music. Hell, it was even capable of finding me a boyfriend. I found him on OKCupid almost two years ago. I'm very happy with him.

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  • BlackCatsAreAwesome

    I started with the college LAN in 1996 and one year later we had dial up, followed quickly by cable in 1998. What I miss the most is how the www truly was a web, with websites exchanging links etc. Since FB was created it has vacuum cleaned the entire Internet and absorbed all its users within its event horizon. I hate it.

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    • Exactly:/

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  • Murun

    I was 40 and it was 2007. Not much has changed but I really miss Myspace Music as it was then. Nothing has come close to replacing it.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I didn't get my first home computer until I was 28.

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  • CozmoWank

    Considering one can find anything on the Internet, it is only as dull as oneself and that person's interests.

    Maybe you should expand your horizons.

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