Internet mind control

I was reading an article about subliminal advertising in the 50s and 60s. Apparently it works. It was banned from all media of the day.
Then I started thinking about how there are so many glitches on internet movies and videos and whether this might be subliminal messaging. A quick few microseconds of unidentified something, way too fast for our conscious minds to comprehend.
There are no regulations on the web that I know of to prevent this form of messaging.
Are we being bombarded with subliminal messaging on the web and don't even know it?

I hope so 1
Yes 6
no 7
Maybe 5
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Freedom_

    I recall from a commercial I saw nearly 15 years ago a girl with a particular hair style. Thinking about it, I believe it may have inspired my current hairstyle. These things definitely have influence over us... Did the advertising agencies, or whoever is in control of them, intend for me to adopt that particular element from the advertisement - a hairstyle? Or was the hairstyle directed at a specific audience, aimed to persuade them to make themselves identifiable to "the man"? Or did I just avert the advert?

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  • gloryholeflasher

    Our minds probably are being manipulated, and to some extent controlled by subliminal and even in overt messages on the web. This one porn site I visit even has captions on their images TELLING the viewer this is happening. It says things like, "your transformation is almost complete, you are becoming a faggot, or a sissy, or whatever". The images are so alluring it's hard to resist looking at them, in fact, it's difficult to NOT look at them, even with the warning!,

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  • Springfurmich

    yes, it's possible but i don't see the problem. i have plenty of things to worry about and if there's a secret society communicating through internet videos, i don't care. let em have fun.

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  • Aries

    I am not doubting the power of suggestion entirely , I just don't know how large of an impact this scenario has . I think they play it up but then again I am not a professional , this is just my opinion .

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    • Well placed messages could manipulate the way one voted in elections, what products one purchased and even what political party or organizations you donated money to. It is a very powerful tool for the unscrupulous.

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