Intrusive thoughts

Is it normal that I have a lot of intrusive thoughts about losing my children? An intrusive thought is thinking something violent randomly happening. For example almost every day I have an intrusive thought of my children dying somehow from them going into the street and accidently getting ran over to someone holding up their school and get caught in the cross fire. I cry with each thought, but it just randomly comes and I can't stop them...

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Comments ( 10 )
  • I also have intrusive thoughts of the extermination of the human race. Exterminate, Annihilate, Destroy!!!

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    • sadistically_curious

      I need a ruggidy man and a blue box then :)

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      • peterr

        And I need you!

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  • ucipher8

    As history will tell us and current events continue to prove: the world is a scary place.

    As your children get older, they will fill you with pride and challenge you with disappointment. You will do the same to them, as a parent. There is no easy answer for such a difficult question.

    Sure you can always distract yourself from these "intrusive" thoughts -but you are obviously much more "alert" than to be in denial.

    Instead of focusing on good or bad thoughts, life just is. It certainly isn't perfect, we play the cards that we are dealt. We make decisions based on whats on the table. We win or we lose based on the outcomes of the decisions we make.

    You are a parent, and its normal for you to be concerned for them - even overly concerned. You do whatever you can do until they are old enough to gamble with life on their own.

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  • ojsadboy

    i get these kinds of thoughts almost everyday. I wonder how you can strengthen the mind to stop them?

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    • sadistically_curious

      I have no idea... They are terrifying thoughts. Especially with my little ones.

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      • ojsadboy

        I will do some research and get back to you if I find anything. All I know for sure at this point in time, is that it's natural worries floating in the mind.

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  • sunnymom

    You can learn to substitute something positive for those thoughts.
    It takes work, but is worth it. And it is very important to take action before you start making dumb decisions because of things that exist only in your imagination.

    First you can tell whatever is thinking that stuff to "Shut Up!"
    and "NO! I do not accept this as real or possible!"

    If you are spiritual or prayerful, you can automatically bless the kids and be grateful that your sick thinking does not rule their futures.

    You can also learn how to control your own mind..and in some countries, people who don't bother to learn that are considered obviously suffering and causing others unnecessary suffering.

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    • (s)aint

      I second this. It works, for me I just throw in something REALLY distracting that I can focus on rather than the bad thoughts.

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  • peterr

    I am thinking about dominating you sexually.

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