Ip bans are needed

I for one am fed up of certain trolls on here creating a new account every time their user gets banned so they can continue to troll, and in some cases, sexually harass other users

It is too easy. I just tried making a new account as a test, and you don't even need a valid email address. It takes 1 minute.

Can we please enforce IP bans so these trolls have no access to this website in their home or under their bridge.


Yes 39
No 27
Help us keep this site organized and clean. Thanks!
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Comments ( 74 )
  • ToxicCrayons

    It isn't even an issue. I don't know why it's so difficult for some of you to simply ignore the obvious trolling, considering the majority of trolls will spend about 5 minutes on this site and never come back. Calm down.

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    • DumBellle

      The only "trolls" whom created multiple accounts (and are hated) appear to be me -- and before me, it was Crysades. Who really had to create about 7 in a month.

      My bullshit was petty. Getting defensive about having two accounts and receiving notices of bitching about opposing views and opinions, not trolling. Trolling is much more negative, as is the connotation of a "troll". People really should care less, apparently it IS ip unique. Unless you're trolling and actually know the fact that it's not, first hand.

      The only time I see it as an issue, is when people stalk each other, to down-vote. It takes awhile to have the thumb-down ability. Even if someone has 20 accounts, recently created, you can only upvote. Not a bad thing. When users go for the jugular and attack looks, someone personally...it's a problem. Otherwise you will just appear to be frustrated with people who have different views and talk to themselves or create a new account. Bans are a warning, people like Crysades do not care. He/she will continue to use the site -- and that's not an issue. Harassment is the only issue people should truly care about, if they actually do. These posts lamenting over users are silly. Why the f*k do people care so much and not just move on/thumb-down or simply ignore a "troll". It only empowers them when you make their behavior a spectacle.

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  • Whoever said no, I would love to hear your reasoning.

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    • iEatZombies_

      I voted no because a lot of trolls who would get banned wouldn't deserve to get banned. I'd rather be annoyed by some idiots than unfair to innocent pranksters.

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    • Valentina

      I picked no because the more the merrier and you're maybe taking this site a bit too seriously, trolls are just people.

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      • Trolls are one thing, but those who repeatedly get banned are far worse than trolls.

        Trust me, it's hard to get Udi to ban a user. They'd have to be pretty rotten.

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        • Valentina

          I think the idea of getting rid of annoying trolls who post things just to hurt others is great but actually carrying it through is way too complicated, so it's easiest to stay aware that some comments don't have your best interests in mind and that some people out there find it fun to hurt random strangers.

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    • Petrichor.

      I vote no because it would not be fair. If trolls go then the people who banter with them should have to go too.

      Actually, the only reason why trolls keep coming back is because the holier than thou complex some users here have. They viciously attack trolls and their only defense is "they did it to me (or someone else) first".

      Stop feeding the trolls if you don't want them to keep coming back, I say.

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  • myownopinions

    But then some people who aren't trolls (or at least not harmful trolls) could be banned because somebody got offended by them and reported them.

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    • shorty295

      its a loose loose situation. do we keep the trolls and let them continue trolling or do we ban them but also ban the innocent with them?

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      • Petrichor.

        But if you really think about it, trolls aren't the problem - it's the people who feed them. If they could control themselves long enough the trolls would leave and the funny harmless ones would stick around because, it's not their goal to incite conflict. Win-win.

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  • trolls can bring a lively atmosphere, even the arguing is sometimes funny.. dont ban just ignore if you must

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  • handsignals

    I like this site because of the lack of PC but I do remember that one guy who kept posting 'suck my dick' every were it was so annoying going through 10 notices only to find out they were all 'suck my dick'.

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    • CountessDouche


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      • handsignals

        I walked straight into that one.

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        • CountessDouche

          Just the tip?

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  • I said no for a few reasons.

    1. Even with an IP ban someone can use another device, or even change their IP address. There are programs that automatically change you IP every few minutes and they are not difficult to obtain.

    2. Complaining about trolls is completely troll bait. People attract them by being over sensitive to their harassment. It's the internet and unless they are sending you viruses or stalking you to the point of disrupting your personal life, they cannot really do anything at all. Some people will purposely upset others, simply because their victims set themselves up to be vulnerable. I have never been harassed online and if I was it wouldn't bother me unless they started sending viruses and effecting my personal life, in which case I would simply press charges on them, but they would really have to cross the line for me to care.

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  • kupokupo

    IP bans can easily be circumvented, but it would be nice to know that there's *something* actually happening to these users.

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  • Sog

    I agree, I'm tired of dumb, childish troll stories about people pooping on each other or having sex with your sister.

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  • Aliceee93

    Completely agree, I've been harassed by at least 3 users who I think are the same person, I reported and nothing gets done, and even if it does they come back on another account.

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    • TrustMeImLying

      If you could just lay down for a while, I want to stick a strawberry in your mouth while I hand-fan the hell out of you and then sprinkle lily petals all over your body.

      [This post was reported for sexual harrassment and has been modified by the safer-mode]

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  • Who_Fan4Life

    The thing with this issue is I like the idea in spirit, but I only agree with it to a certain extent.

    I think we take for granted here on IIN that the rules are somewhat loose and that you can, need be, create a new account. And I think if we straight up start IP banning people, it might turn ugly as more and more people are banned. That might lead to people being banned for insignificant reasons and there may be more tension among management and users. I believe that an IP ban should only be enforced when there are extreme cases. You know, once in a GREAT while, and that's about it.

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    • Shroot

      i feel that TheManagement should have good enough judgement to decide who gets banned.

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  • Darkoil

    Fuck you, without the trolls all we are left with are teeny boppers.

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  • MysteriousTrainerfromBeyond

    Agreed. It would certainly improve the site.

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  • sega31098

    How about having to submit 3 stories or wait 48 hours before commenting, so that we don't have an influx of racist/homophobic/hateful/troll cowards using their account to anonymously post their rubbish instead.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    out of curiosity whats an IP exactly?

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    • Internet Protocol (IP) Address otherwise known as a IP ADDRESS it is what allows you to connect to the internet.

      as for the topic at hand IP Blocks are useless as it can get around by:
      {a} using another computer or wireless divice (mobile phone etc,)
      (b) Proxy Server

      i should know as i myself have websites myself and have ip addresses blocked but it does not stop them coming on to my websites by using a proxy.

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      • wistfulmaiden

        ah I see. I don't speak computer :P

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        • thats ok wistfulmaiden.

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  • sulli94

    I agree in the use of IP banning, however there is the possibility that what you consider someone to be doing as trolling is just them explaining their thoughts...? I think a good system would be for mods to look into that accounts previous comments/posts and check to see if that person just made a joke on the wrong post at the wrong time, or is actually a troll or whatever they're called. give them a trail to explain themselves and why they shouldn't be banned in a live chatroom broadcasting to all on the website, prosecuted by the reporter and judged by mods, defendant is the reportee in question.

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    • charli.m


      If they can't be bothered with decent upkeep of the site, they aren't even going to take five seconds to actually go through a person's account. I have it in writing from TheManagement that he doesn't care what the problem was in a certain situation, he would just ban whoever. He's too busy to worry about IIN.

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  • VirgilManly

    How do we know you're even old enough to be here?

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  • LizardSkin

    Lotta drama in this thread... juicy

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  • flowerchild94

    I have been on this site on and off for a long ass time and I don't think I have ever really seen a troll.. I see people leaving hateful comments YES! but most of the time that's the users who's been here forever lol You're asking for a opinion of others don't be so shocked when you get some hate.

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    • anti-hero

      A few months is a long ass time?

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      • flowerchild94

        what you mean a few months ago? I've been a user for years.

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  • quai

    I don't understand why in everyday life we reinforce laws to protect people, but we don't do that on the internet.

    Why should the law be different here so perverts and bullies somehow prevail and imagine that they are superior. Why can't we prosecute in the same way we would if these people were still perverts and bullies as we know they are?

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  • plastow

    ive only just joined the site and was immediately abused by people who hadn't even read my post properly.there were spelling and grammer mistake.but over all the post was easy to follow.but some very tiny minded people read what they wanted to see.not what was actually there so I agree wholeheartedly.

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    • Welcome to every discussion, with anyone on the planet with an agenda. Let alone on the internet.

      I agree with IP bans, like you do, but sometimes you have to thicken your skin a bit. In real-life as well as a silly website.

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  • CountessDouche

    They should do away with multiple accounts...sick of the fucking drama.

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    • Some multiple accounts are worthwhile and funny.

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      • CountessDouche

        That is true. Multiple accounts can be fun. Certain users abuse the privilege. I guess any liberty on here is gonna come with some problems.

        I don't mind the fun trolls though.

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  • Short4Words

    I think we could lose the dead weight. It's just holding this site back.

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  • golden_showers

    notice how THE MANAGEMENT has not made a comment here? it means that they don't take this idea seriously. Nobody is such the cunt as Charli.m (the OP) to consider this.

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  • Crusades_

    Do you think i should be banned too?

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    • You're an exception.

      You're so pathetic it's actually rather funny

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      • Crusades_

        charli.m is that you? You little tramp. And btw who's really the pathetic one? Hiding behind anonymous comment...

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        • anti-hero

          I can guarantee she isn't OP. She's asleep. It's 4am. The OP replied around 3am. She went to sleep at 12 and won't be up til 6. That's what you call good P.I. work.

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          • Crusades_

            I don't even know anymore who's who on this site everybody has multiple accounts multiple identities. Fuck this site

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        • charli.m

          I don't find you funny. Just pathetic.

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          • Crusades_

            Oh shut it Jack Black. It's just you and your online boyfriend who find me pathetic because i trolled the hell out of both of you meat heads. Why don't you click on the report button? Maybe it'll make you feel better.

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            • charli.m

              It amuses me how much you think I care about your silliness. Seems you care way more than I do.

              Also, what exactly do you do that is trolling? Being a pathetic twat isn't really trolling.

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            • Darkoil

              Dude chill out man, no need to get so personal.

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        • Shroot


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    • I wouldn't vote to ban you either, I think its important to get a full cross section of people on the website so that the experience of actually coming here doesn't dull over time.

      You represent the "tool" section. You know the guys that got laid a little bit at one point in their life but didn't realize it was actually the peak of their life until it blew right past em. And now they are filled with denial about it. You know what I mean, you probably met a decent woman but either didn't recognize her for who she is and/or treated her like garbage and she left. You regret doing that, buy can't admit it even to yourself. So you make it up for with this pseudo macho male image you portray here.

      Yeah we don't want you going anywhere. At least I certainly don't, keep up the good work.

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