Irrational fear of switching bodies

Whenever I witness live entertainment I fear that my brain will switch into the body of a performer. This is particularly bad with plays, seminars, and sporting events. It never happens during a movie or even sports on TV; I have to be present. While this never ruins my experience sometimes I can't get the thought of crippling awkwardness out of my head. Is this normal?

Voting Results
27% Normal
Based on 79 votes (21 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • DonnieLighto

    I'm afraid of biting into a hotdog and finding veins.

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    • Bobsbitchtits

      You seem like some one who has done shrooms. That is awesome. I love shrooms.

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  • _Molotov_Cocktail_

    I have a rational fear of running out of Molotov cocktails. Same thing really.

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  • Cambo_b

    This sounds like an acute form or paranoia you've thought about doing this possibly at some point when you were younger and due to your paranoia you cant get the thought out of you head it also sounds like its triggered by live tv as your brain will logically see this as the time it could most happen but don't worry it never will you need to talk to someone about this it will help with the paranoid thoughts but dont think that makes you crazy because it's a dicomfort in your mind that you need to over come your best bet is to talk to a doctor but try to talk to a close family member try to explain it in a third person way by that I mean explain it as if this if you believe this will happen at the time but are aware it won't happen this will make you feel less like your going crazy but still tell your doctor completely strait up no bull just honesty it's the only your going to get thse thoughts out your head peace my man hope this help in some way it may not be accurate but the basis is there for you to get help

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  • shakalaka

    Now that I think about switching bodies, I hope to switch with my bias so that I can see him naked. But, I think that's not a good idea since he can see my naked body too. It will be embarrassing. Sorry for my English.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Mmm...I wish my brain would switch with Gerard Way's body. Then I can look at myself naked. :)

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  • Short4Words

    What are you more afraid of, switching bodies, or having to perform on stage?

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