Is a blackhole a gateway to another dimension?

Do blackholes contain the secrets to life? What if they are just tiny gateways to another parallel dimensions. If it can blend time so much then why not the theory of the multiverse is possible. Imagine why the blackhole never throws away whatever it sucks in. Imagine the blackhole in the centre of the Milky Way sucks in our planet and we get thrown out to a new dimension? What if interstellar travel is just single mouse hole away?

Yes, you can travel to parallel universes 13
No, you get crushed by its gravity 17
You cannot enter inside 1
There is only condensed matter inside 2
There is the answer to life 5
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Comments ( 10 )
  • WelcomeToDarktown

    We should travel to Detroit to find out

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  • kupokupo

    I doubt it. Black holes are pretty much an ideal black body which is why we can't see anything at all at the centre or "inside." Anything that crosses the event horizon can't escape since black holes are so massive that spacetime is distorted to the point that anything entering that boundary of distortion is heading on a one-way path to the centre, where it's inevitably destroyed by the heat of friction.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    its the cosmic equavelant of the hotel california

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  • Ms.Dempsy

    Of course it is not. It a gateway to oblivion.

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  • Ass_gas

    Black holes eventually evaporate by slowly emitting Hawking radiation. Read this ->.

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  • MyRodIsLongAndThick

    Star Trek isn't real, honey

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  • WelcomeToDarktown

    Maybe, but whatever comes out of a black hole on the other side probably isn't what it used to be. Its probably nature's Recycling Bin. Everything going into the black hole gets totally crushed into oblivion, but somehow the matter remains just in a new different form

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    • Rusty-Rider

      Kinda' like the "Returns" counter at Walmart.

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      • WelcomeToDarktown


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  • IMissMary

    Yes and I wrote about this more than a decade ago. Slowly scientists are starting to prove my theory correct.

    Of course matter can never travel through a Black Hole to another Universe but it could be possible to send data one way into a Black Hole.

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