Is atheism becoming a 'relgion' in it's self.

Is atheism becoming a religion on to it's self. We have seen with the anniversary of Derwin's work that he is godlike to some people and whilst they might not 'worship' him in the traditional sense there are people who would do and have done extreme things to protect darwins work /get his word across.
Some Atheists also feel it is there duty to try to 'covert' people to see the 'truth' they have faith in something or anything else.

I am not stating all atheists are Darwinist fans or sympathizers I am simply stating an example. P.S I am not ragging on atheists I just think it's interesting the way some people have gone

Religion is not the right word to discribe it (comment) 46
Don't care 7
Yes , there will be followers in many years 20
Religion I spit on it !!! 14
Unsure - there are always looneys in every group 10
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Comments ( 38 )
  • SuperBenzid

    The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, esp. a personal God or gods.

    Nope it is not possible for Atheism to meet the definition of religion. Religion does not mean what you think it means.

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    • rosa333

      Finally, someone said it

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    No Athiesm is the lack of religious belief. I see where you are coming from though

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  • SuperBenzid

    Think about it this way do you believe in fire breathing dragons? If not I could call you an Adragonist. Now imagine if someone came to you and said they really believed in dragons and they lived their life in fear of dragons while you maintained there was zero evidence for the existence of dragons. Suppose you tried to convince this person that there was no evidence dragons existed and they should stop living with the fear of being burnt alive by a dragon because it is a better life to not have that constant fear.

    They might think you were being hostile and extreme but you were just asking for evidence for their claim. That Dragonist might try to say that the Adragonists are just like him but there was always a fundamental difference: The Adragonist would believe in dragons if there was evidence for dragons while the Dragonist just believes off of faith alone because it is emotionally important to him that dragons exist.

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  • q25t

    If Darwin is like a god to atheists, we have an odd way of showing it. Modern day evolutionary theory uses Darwinian natural selection as one of the mechanisms by which evolution can occur, but it's one of many. We've also rejected portions of Darwin's book as false and supplanted more accurate views of the world instead.

    There are also atheists who completely reject evolution. One example is the Raelians, who basically take UFO sightings to an illogical extreme and proclaim that aliens are responsible for everything practically.

    As for atheism being a religion, that is completely false. Religion's believe in a higher power; atheism is the rejection of this. Religions generally hold certain truths to be sacred and unquestionable; atheism has no doctrine, dogma, or tenets.

    Atheism is the rejection of religious ideas. You say there's a god, and we say "nuh uh". That's it. That is all atheism is, nothing more.

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  • bananaface

    Hmm, the way you're describing it, that sounds more like what I'd call a cult, and I've always seen religion as being a little bit more than that, because in my mind there's something supernatural involved with religion, I guess.:S Those are just my personal definitions, I'm not sure if they're right.:P I just feel like there's a distinction between the two.

    Either way, I don't think atheism is a religion, it seems a bit contradictory to call it one. I've personally never seen Darwin be treated like a "godlike" figure, that's a very strong way to describe someone. Hmm, I'm just going to go with no as my answer.:P

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    If atheism is a religion then not playing sports is a sport.
    We don't want to convert you but open your eyes that you're being scammed.

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    • KingRabbit

      I see you are eager to accuse people of being dumb. The example given would be as if those people not playing sports formed a club and started talking to sports fans about how they don't play sports, then calling them dumb for playing silly games.

      I don't want to convert you, but your science has decieved you.

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      • squeallikeasacofpigs

        People like you really piss me off. He said nothing offensive, or called anyone dumb, or started hating on you. And yet you feel the need to reply to him and start being a monumental cunt. Fuck you dude. Fuck you.

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        • sinisteRouge

          hear hear!

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        • KingRabbit

          Thank you!!! Nomnomnom

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  • lufa

    It seems like you get your ideas about atheism from the hollow echo-chamber of your fellow theists who seem to know little to nothing about what atheism is.

    My heros include physicists and philosophers-the ones I consider to be brilliant and fascinating. I think Darwin did great work, but I have little to no interest in the finer details of Evolution, though of course I support it.

    Atheism is simply the lack of belief in gods due to no evidence. It's as much as religion as not believing in Zeus or Thor is a religion. Speaking of which, your god is no more real than any of the thousands of other gods humans invented.

    As that famous quote goes, when you understand why you don't believe in all other gods but your own, you'll understand why I don't believe in your god.

    Theists are simply lazy thinkers. You had religion rammed down your throats before you could even question it as a child and now you are stuck with these infantile beliefs. To us this is no different than someone who believes in Santa Claus into their adulthood. This is why we consider you a laughstock in general and a threat when religion goes fanatical-like the mooslimes.

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    • rosa333

      You are making generalisations. Did you have atheism rammed down your throat before you could even question it as a child and now you are stuck with these infantile beliefs?

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      • lufa

        No I'm an ex-Christian. I grew out of god-belief around the time I grew out of Santa-belief.

        Why do you continue to belief in the Great Kazoo?

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    LOL. DERwin! Hahha. Trying to COVERT people. Hahahah.

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  • thr

    I'm not sure what you are on about with the worship of Darwin thing.

    If atheism is defined as disbelief in the existence of a deity, i.e. a belief that there isn't a god, then it will be a part of a person's world view or belief about the nature of the universe. It could be argued that that world view is a religion, and the atheism would then only be a part of that world view.

    I think it would confuse the matter to call atheism a religion, especially since the world views of people who disbelieve the existence of a god can be very different.

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  • Pwnfacertwn

    Is "off" becoming a TV channel?

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    • lufa

      That's my favourite channel, plus there's no commercials!

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    • GuessWho

      Is "no" now not a word?

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      • Pwnfacertwn

        False equivalency.

        Not believing in something isn't the same as believing in nothing.

        If I say "I'm not hungry," does it necessarily mean I'm full?

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  • It's just another place for humans to feel "part of something".

    So yeah, I guess so.

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  • GuessWho

    Atheism IS a religion WITHOUT a god.

    Atheists BELIEVE that 'there is no God'.
    They don't have a "don't know, don't care" stance, they have a firm belief that no higher power exists, hence making it a religion.

    The fact that they have decided what to believe in (God/gods/evolution/fate/aliens/nothing), and follow some sort of general ideology, means that it IS a religion.

    The only people that really don't follow any religion are those that are indifferent to all beliefs.

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    • Pwnfacertwn

      I don't believe there are fairies in my garden. My "religion" is called a-fairies-in-my-gardenism. Guess what? You too are probably a member of my "religion." In fact, it's the largest "religion" in the history of mankind.

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  • Thorolf

    Nope, it's not. Atheism is the lack of religion. It's like asking if bald is a hair color. (not my example, but I don't remember who said it)

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    When you have a book, you worship certien figures as a representation of your beliefs, gather and push your beliefs on others, or try convince people to give up theirs since you believe you are helping them IT IS RELIGION!

    It is the Anti religion (super religion). Though to qualify as a religion you need an amount of followers first. Not sure of the number so I can not say for a fact if it truly is yet. Perhaps it is just a cult. Atheist believe spreading their knowledge is some how enlightening your soul. Do Christians not believe spreading theirs will save and help your soul?

    I have my beliefs but I don't care if you believe them or not. If I do care about you I will hope and pray nothing bad happens to you. Since you are important to me. I have met atheists who like me do not care what others believe.

    They did tell me they did not like the fact I had a religion but were never rude about it. They were always very kind to me so I considered them good people.

    It is rude to go up to someone and say "Your religion is stupid."Your parents raised you wrong.""You believe in god you are such a retard!" "He don't exists". It is also rude to go to someone and say "You will burn! you were born a sin".

    Even if you think the other sides stupid do you really have to say it? Do you have to point out how stupid people are for believing in god? Does it really matter? If it hurts no one let them believe. Besides you have no definite proof that god does not exists so its not like you win anything. It just means you enjoy being an asshole.

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  • theaverageatheist

    i wouldn't say it's becoming a religion as down to it's very definition it is not. but like all titles or subgroops when they start to become common or the individuals better conected and start to get a voice. a certan amount of pride and attachment develops especialy when it is antagonised, attact or isolated from the general population... like deaf people.
    also when two groops antagonise each other the tend to become alike as defencive respoce think how chirstianity in america is becoming more conservative and interferrig with politics, this is lagely due to the war against islamic terrorism.

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  • imadragon

    Some people say that it's a religion because it requires "faith".
    I say atheism don't require faith, it requires logic.

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  • Dot123

    I don't believe in God or Gods, but I do believe in the idea of a God. If you believe something is a God in your mind it will be one. But in reality there is no God. I believe in science and nature. I believe there is other beings from different universes, planets, galaxies or other dimensions. But they're still creators just like us but different.

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  • suckonthis9


    Wikipedia has an article on:


    theo- + -cracy, originally from Ancient Greek θεοκρατία (theokratia, “rule of God”), a term coined in the 1st century by Josephus (Against Apion 2.17) in reference to the kingdom of Israel. Attested in English from the 1630s, first by John Donne in a 1631 sermon, (The Jews were onely under a Theocratie, an immediate government of God., cited after OED).


    IPA: /θiːˈɒkrəsɪ/
    Audio (US)
    Homophone: theocrasy


    theocracy (plural theocracies)

    Government under the control of a Church or state-sponsored religion.
    Rule by God.

    But which Ancient Greek deity don't they believe in?

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  • Holzman67

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    It depends on the deffinition of religion. If it means to have a set of rules and morals to live by, then I don't think atheism is a religion.
    However I've met quite a few atheists that would get very hostile when they found out I'm not one of them. And there have been governments that didn't tolerate anything but atheism.
    It also depends on what you mean by "atheism". Some people simlply mean they don't know or care about what's beyond what we can mesure. Others have a firm believe that there can't be anything like that - And those people are imho religious.

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  • Wendell

    i don't know but I would say atheists are less fun

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    • lufa

      Of course theists are more fun-they give us atheists a lot of laughs.

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  • squirrelgirl

    I have both extreme Christians in my family and an extreme atheist, and I've noticed that the atheist is just as fanatical about his beliefs as the Christians. He throws around the words "truth" and "science" similar to the way Christians cling to the word "faith". He quotes Richard Dawkins as though The God Delusion were a Bible. He even went to an atheist meetup the other day, and it reminded me a lot of when we used to go to Sunday school.

    The way I see it, atheism is a religion, only they worship science instead of a God and Dawkins is their Pope.

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    • SuperBenzid

      The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, esp. a personal God or gods.

      However fanatical your brother may or may not be it simply is not possible for an Atheist to be in an Atheist religion. It is a contradiction in terms. Like a visually perceptive blind man or a deaf person with superb hearing.

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    • lufa

      "the atheist is just as fanatical about his beliefs..."

      That's where you went off the rails. Atheism rejects belief-systems, we demand evidence before treating something as real or existent.

      If you claim that there is a mind-controlling satellite orbiting Jupiter and it implants thoughts in your head, that might be true-if it can be proven such a device exists.

      But until it has been proven it is assumed a priori to not exist. Likewise with gods, demons, spooks, unicorns, etc-they are not real until proven to be with hard, irrefutable evidence.

      We atheists have no church or a pope, or venerate any scientist as if they were a god. These are all the silly musings of theists who see the world through their own warped religious lens in which they see contradicting views as a competing religion. In fact atheism is the exact opposite of religion and I'd include science as well.

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      • rosa333

        There is evidence that God exists

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        • lufa

          We've been waiting 2000 years for it, so far all we've gotten from you theists is empty promises.

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