Is being female a choice? because.

According to the non binary theory, I'm no longer a woman I'm a "cis" woman or "assigned at birth female". That hurts and makes it seem like being a woman is a choice. I feel like I'm not real because of it.

I don't think I was assigned female at birth..I am a female. I have female DNA and biological features like a uterus. Am I not born a woman? :(

Yes 11
No 18
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Comments ( 55 )
  • KholatKhult

    “ *sniffle sniffle* my identity 🥺 m-my DNA *whimper whine* this hurts me… “
    Jesus Christ grow a backbone and drop the victim act. Them blue-haired liberal folk got y’all in a chokehold over there, what happened to all those Calamity Jane and Rosie the Riveter types ? “T-they called me cis 😢”
    Quitcha bitchin’

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    • MonteMetcalfe

      You consider yourself a communist but in America you'd be considered a right wing extremist.
      That's how bad it's gotten here.

      A bunch of extreme left science deniers.

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      • KholatKhult

        Leftism didn’t happen to America - Liberalism did. Liberals will not side with Communists. Wearing a Che shirt and putting ACAB in your Twitter bio doesn’t make you a Communist. They find us violent, authoritarian, conservative, strict, and deniers of individualism.

        A bunch of purple-haired polyamorous “sex-worker” consumerist hedonistic “politically correct” rainbow-fascists are not Communists. “Sex work” has always been denounced by Marxism as a symptom of capitalistic oppression against women. They’re Anarchists. We do not get along, and historically never have.

        I am a staunch supporter of the rights, protection, and equality, of LGBT people, as well as I am a feminist. Vladimir Lenin made revolutionary progress in LGBT rights and womens liberation is detrimental to Marxist theory. “Women hold up the other end of the sky”

        American “Conservatives” just believe that racist sexist homophobic white Christian ideals are what makes conservatism conservatism. Yet they have no problem with pornography and the sexualization and objectification of women. Hell, American libertarians want to normalize and legalize prostitution, and think “age of consent laws are infringing on our rights”.
        That’s liberalism.
        Malcolm X has also spoken on the divisionary and cannibalistic evils of liberalism.

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        • MonteMetcalfe

          "A bunch of purple-haired polyamorous “sex-worker” consumerist hedonistic “politically correct” rainbow-fascists " Yup, that pretty much nails it.

          But what about gay porn? And if people didn't sexualize each other would we not be able to continue as a species? Just an observation, I don't have strong feelings either way on it. So I'm not looking to start an argument just curious as to your opinion.

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          • KholatKhult

            Gay porn is also very harmful.
            Homosexuality is not inherently more perverse or obscene than heterosexuality. But when you have perverts overtaking “the LGBT community” and you see Kink and Fetish “representation” used in “support” of gay people you have to ask yourself, what rolemodels do LGBT youth actually have ?

            When homosexuality is demonized, fetishized, meaning the only access to any queer media or representation is restricted to already restricted spaces (underground clubs, pornography sites, secrecy) and when family-values are told to be “impossible and contradictory” to young gay people, how are we to act surprised ? Gay youth are being forced into these dark corners. That’s why you see the prevalence of substance abuse, mental health issues, and predatory/abuse behavior, in the LGBT population.

            Homosexuality has been made into a Taboo, and Bisexuality has been fetishized by people believing it means “double the sex !” And Lesbians have always been sexualized and seen as something “performative for men”. I think this shines a spotlight on the ‘wilder’ LGBT people. People hardly bat an eye at the old nudist swinger couple anymore, but if they’re gay…

            And when I talk negatively of sexualization I mean in the instances of BDSM, fetish, kink, objectification, commodification, when “value = sexual appeal”

            Pornographic material should NEVER be accessible to minors.

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            • dude_Jones

              Your use of the English language to argue opposed controversial topics is absolutely the most colorful shit I’ve read since Mark Twain wrote Life on the Mississippi.

              Glad you’re here, dude. Lol.

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            • dabadedabadie

              Left and Liberal means the same thing in America idk about Russia but here it considered the same thing

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  • Youareafuckingidiot.

    since we're pretending to care what the "non binary" crowd thinks, female (scientific): no, woman(sociological): yes. thats why you can tell sackless btiches to MAN up, or tell bitches to be more LADYlike.if u have a CUNT, you can either be a lady, tomboy, ftm. at the doctors theyre all female. the funny thing is youre a dude whos pretending to be a woman for this question so you can pretend to be outraged.

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    • I'm not a man..

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      • Youareafuckingidiot.

        Youre not as anonymous as you think.

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        • What's that mean? Educate me

          Do I sound like a man? -deleted -

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          • justathr91uihg

            oh god u sound like a man trying their best to make the voice high pitched. can tell as your gasping for air and this how you achieve higher pitches, limiting air intake. LMFAO.

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          • KholatKhult

            Why would you make this 💀💀💀💀💀

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            • To prove I'm not a man? What's funny 😑

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          • Cuntsiclestick

            Where's the sound?

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  • Whatintarnation

    Feel like kicking the hornets nest today did you?

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    • How so?

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  • Somenormie


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  • Meatballsandwich

    A woman is someone who has a vagina.

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  • kikilizzo

    No it's not a choice and no one sane believes it is, only women scared to piss off deranged men in dresses and of not looking politically correct aka commiting social suicide.

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  • my_life_my_way

    A woman’s a woman and a man’s a man, I have no problem with dudes in dresses and shit but that’s not what makes you female

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  • ospry

    Seems pretty fucked up to reserve the word "woman" for literally anyone who decides they wanna be a woman permanently or just a few minutes while we have to use the qualifier "cis woman" for people who are actually women in the scientific sense of the term, since XX = female

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Just look down. Do you have a dick? No. Then youre a chic. Easy peasy. Thats how we have done it for thousands of years until some libtards decided they need to reinvent the wheel because feelings.

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    • dabadedabadie

      But I FEEL like a platypus with a gattling gun you bigot

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  • Holzman_67

    You were born your sex, yes. It’s your gender that’s your choice.

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    • Meowypowers

      It is wild how new gengers happen only in places like Los Angeles, where it is trendy, and not a lot where it isn't.

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      • Holzman_67

        Trendy or socially acceptable? I think transgenderism is the world over, what changes geographically is how comfortable people are with expressing it.

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  • raisinbran

    You're a female despite all the fantasy word play.

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  • OnlyIfUsayPlz

    I don't know what the "non-binary theory" is, but you don't choose what gender you are. Much like how being gay isn't a choice, a cis person doesn't choose to be cis and a trans person doesn't choose to be trans.

    According to the people you mention, you are indeed still a woman. Cisgender just means not transgender, in - again - the same way heterosexual means not homosexual (or bisexual).

    Assigned female at birth (AFAB for short) simply means that when you were born, they took a look at what was between your legs and said "it's a girl". And then they put "Female" on your birth certificate. I remember this one story of a (cisgender) woman who was actually assigned male at birth, due to an administrative error. Generally speaking though, the two refer to the same thing.

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  • Vvaas

    bruh why did u delete my comment

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    • What comment? I didn't delete any

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      • Vvaas

        i swear i commented unless i dreamed it damn

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        • KholatKhult

          I believe you king xoxo

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        • dude_Jones

          Bruh. I miss you. I want Andy to take you back. But he just wants weirdos. Perhaps that’s why he keeps me there.

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        • What did your comment say?

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    It's not a choice to be a woman, whether or not you're born biologically female. Either way, you can't choose to want to be a woman. So whether a biological female is a (cis) woman, or whether a biologicaly male is a (trans) woman, is out of their control.

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    • hauntedbysandwiches

      Trans isn't a woman it's a mental illness

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  • Meowypowers

    I am proud to have my period. You pretend bro's want to beat us up in sports. You have no idea what its like to have a miscarriage.

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  • Orphan

    It's not a choice although maybe some people seem to invent all these genders to call themselves by.
    Your gender is defined by the way u talk and act. Do u talk like a woman or like a man or both... or more like a man and a bit of a woman or more like a woman and a bit of a man? All of this is what happens mentally. All these umpteen genders like "fairy" "demon" "rabbit" etc, I'm sorry, I just don't buy it.
    Then there's biology. U were born with the female atomical sex and DNA. Or u were born with the male atomical sex and DNA. Then there's intersex people, rare yes, but they exist.
    If I take your example, your gender is woman and your sex is female from birth. That means you're a cisgendered female. If u wanted to transition to a Trans-man, then you'd be considered a pre-op Trans-man...
    I'm 99% sure about all of this. Lol

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    No, you dumbass. You can't choose to be female. Like KholatKhult said, the blue-haired retarded liberals are poisoning your teeny tiny brain.

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