Is cesar millan (aka 'the dog whisperer') modeling bad or ineffective

I am guilty of watching Cesar Millan's show(s?) once in a blue moon. I'm aware that TV editing accounts for the usually ridiculous dramatics on these shows, as well as the supposed claims that he has an 80% success rate "rehabilitating" dogs. However I've seen some methods that I certainly don't agree with, such as use of electronic shock collars, and have been referred to articles that basically dismantle his premise that dog behavior is the same as or extremely similar to wolf behavior (although I do recall an episode where he seemed to know nothing about how to handle an unruly wolf hybrid)...

So, what's your opinion, as a specialist or not, dog owner or lover (or not)? Are his methods effective? Are they flawed?

As an aside, I have 2 Siberian Huskies. Sweetest dogs in the world, we socialized them well from puppyhood to the point that they're gentle with cats, although were firm about using "no" when it was warranted...and never, ever, ever would use shock collars. Ever.

Yes 6
It depends on the case 8
No 7
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Comments ( 5 )
  • randomdeviant

    Depends. I too an agaisnt shock collars and things that hurts the animal and all, and using positive reinforcement is always better but like it has already been said many of the dogs Cesar is called to train are already really messed up... Dominant, aggressive or pottentially dangerous in general.. They need to know certain behaviours are not acceptable, and i doubt just yelling "no" would work on a dog who's already like, out to kill...

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  • adorable him and them ..this is my faveorite episode

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    • lillygwvsin

      he is a horrible dog trainer and hurts dogs

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      • impossible the dogs like him too much

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    cesars method uses physically punishin negative behavior and is old hat

    most trainers usin minimal verbal correction for bad behavior and nomnom rewards for good

    ceasars method might be needed for the worst of the worst dawgs but that just means if its that extreme that some fuckin asshole went and fucked that dawgs head up

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