Is child old enough for this movie?
My son is 10, should we let him watch Ace Ventura Pet Detective? He watches stuff like Bobs Burgers but I think Family Guy is too bad.
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My son is 10, should we let him watch Ace Ventura Pet Detective? He watches stuff like Bobs Burgers but I think Family Guy is too bad.
It all depends on the kid and how you have raised your child if he or she is ready to be able to watch shows, movies or listen to things that are not meant for their age. I raised my son through the years with self awareness and awareness of others. I used a wide variety of vocabulary. Which reflects him to this day. Now...I am not saying that this is the way to raise your kid or children. Everyone is different. Example: I have a son and a step child that is a girl. While I raised my son she was raised by her mom and nanny. They are both from two different worlds. Therefore I can not subject her to the things that my son can watch or listen to. I have prepared my son. But as for his half-sister...she had no one really. And for me I thank that kids need adults to show them the ways for them to be able to tackle the world successfully.
I'm pretty sure it's ok. I don't remember any adverse affects from watching it when I was younger. But my best advice is to be VERY weary about 90s "kids" movies.
It's rated as PG-13, so you might wish to watch it first and then decide..
Bobs burgers is a more innocent type of humour and the more adult stuff is bound to go over kids head's unlike family guy which beats you round the head with it, when it comes to age I do agree with the bbfc that there are guidelines but it is down to the parent to judge the maturity and mindset of their child, butx ace Ventura is a pg so watch away, just apologise if he ends up with a lifelong hatred\phobia of Jim Carey......... That's a real thing