Is eating healthy a scam?

I can go a couple months drinking little water each day, maintaining a ridiculous high sodium/carb intake and have just as much energy from drinking tons of water eating veggies, fruit, nuts, and seeds each day. The two diet don't seem any different effect wise, I sleep just fine between the tow. My teeth are fine, my wounds heal fine, my hair grows normally. My skin/hair look just as sexy you know and aside from hearing it is unhealthy I feel just fine and known other people who have done this for decades and are just fine and dandy. Plenty of people I know in their 80's still eat like this drink like crazy and smoke 1-2 packs a day. So what is the point? I find if you ever do rarely feel off maybe drink too much, or too many drugs just drink some OJ and you'll be running around again in an hour or so.

ALSO I AM SKINNY AND EVERYONE I KNOW IS TOO, some almost unhealthy skinny cause they don't do exercise. When I didn't I was 80 pounds too lol, now 160 as I exercise a couple weeks every few months. Exercise is over hyped too you really don't need to go every day to keep in shape unless you want to build and maintain strength. I eat like 10 pounds of crap a day and my waist is fantastic, I know other people too that can do the same just shit it out.

yEs 9
nO 28
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Comments ( 16 )
  • green_boogers

    Your brain is deranged.

    1. Define "healthy".
    2. Include a control group to test your hypothesis.
    3. Learn the math needed to check statistical significance of any sample.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    lotsa skinny peoples is cardiovascular disasters

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  • StormDriven

    No it is not a scam. Its called eating 'healthy' for a reason... ITS HEALTHY.

    Holy shit.

    If they are saying Fried chicken is a good pore cleanser, I'd be worried.. But eating your tomatoes is legitimately healthy..Potassium for one thing helps your muscles out. Tomatoes are good in potassium much like bananas. Ginger root is healthy for the digestive system. Broccoli good in fiber.. Ect.

    I can truly say I feel better after eating healthy for a week. Some people may take longer. But you notice a difference.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Mmm... fried chicken.

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    • They say that but I feels no different?

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      • Ellenna

        Give it time, you sound young and can probably get away with unhealthy eating for a few years but it'll catch up with you later and then you'll regret it

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        • Yeah but like everyone in my family is the same way and even my friends. Hell my one friends mom parties all the time and she is like 60 now. So being young aside there a lot of old people in my family or close to me that are the same way.

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          • thegypsysailor

            Funny thing about getting older. You can't repair the damage you've done to your body eating shit in your youth, when you realize you've cut 10 ton 20 years off the end of your life, at about 50.

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          • Ellenna

            Time will tell, won't it?

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      • StormDriven

        OK then eat a hot dog
        I don't care

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      • RoyRogers

        That probably means your healthy enough were what you eat does not change how you feel much. You are not smart enough to know how biology works so you say it a scam.

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  • reginaFalangi

    Skinny doesn't mean your healthy

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  • gorillasinsoho

    eating a balanced diet is not a scam although some so called healthful foods are not that healthy. Like energy bars and granola bars have more sugar than candy/donuts sometimes.

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    • I know I get mad at my mom for giving that crap, and 'juice', and crackers with cheese and everything else to my sister as her body is still developing.

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  • rimjob

    I'm skinny myself and can eat whatever the fuck I want and not get fat and workout too, cut as fuck. We can do this because we are gifted.... But when we get older ....

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  • I read your post and I'm clueless about your diet and exercise habits.

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