Is elvis still alive or not?

I take Datura every day. I've been doing this for over a year. I'll just take a few seeds here and there. I feel like it helps to enhance my electromagnetic frequency. Is Elvis still alive or not? Because I just keep seeing him at random places, and I was wondering if this is just all in my head or not? I've read on the internet that some people think he's still alive, and honestly I've seen him. But nobody seems to believe me.

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Based on 32 votes (9 yes)
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Comments ( 31 )
  • DIO

    He is alive. He's in my basement eating sandwiches.

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    • Boojum

      So you'll be able to resolve a question that has tormented Elvis-nuts for decades.

      Are the sandwiches grilled peanut butter and banana, or are they peanut butter, banana and bacon?

      Given how he apparently ate those by the stack, it's not exactly surprising that he got a tad chunky at the end.

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      • DIO

        I don't know, he usually eat the entire peanut jar before the sandwich is even started.

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  • Ellenna

    If this is genuine and you're seeing people who look like Elvis did in his heyday, please be aware that if he were still alive he'd be unrecognizeable because he'd now be 84 years of age

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  • Boojum

    You're regularly taking a psychoactive drug and you wonder if it might be messing with your perception of the world.

    That's like wondering if drinking half a bottle of vodka has anything to do with how you woke up lying on the floor with your face in a puddle of puke.

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    • SmokeEverything

      I take shrooms like every couple of days and I feel like I'm pretty in tune with reality

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    • leggs91200

      I have a step sister who suffers from alcoholism.

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  • TheBlindInquisitor

    dead is dead sorry he is dead.

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  • Just_to_Suffer

    Depending on where you live, there's a chance you might just be seeing professional Elvis impersonators, and are unable to tell them apart due to your altered state of consciousness. Unless Elvis regularly occupies your thoughts, I don't think your mind would conjure him as a hallucination.

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  • He’s alive and being kept at Area 51 along with JFK, Jeffrey Epstein and Tupac.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Do you know what I remembered most about the year that Elvis died? 1977 was the year I got my first puppy! It's said that Elvis died, but in the end my white, mutt who had one ear up, and one ear down was who left the biggest mark on my life.

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    • cupcake_wants

      You are another person around my age.. In the chat room I'm known as mom because most everybody else is born in the 90's. It's nice to not be the only one from the 70's.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Thanks! I was born in November of 1969. I can't believe that I'll be fifty this year, but I guess it beats the alternative. I was seven years old when we got my first dog, she was kinda crazy, but a really good dog with all the other animals we ended up getting.

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        • cupcake_wants

          I was born in 1975. I have vague memories of 1977. And, yes I love dogs too. I have two chihuahuas.

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          • leggs91200

            I was born in 74.

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        • TheBlindInquisitor

          I was born in 1994 I can remember a few things from 1998 and 1999.

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          • cupcake_wants

            in 1994 I was living on my own. lol I graduated high school in 1993.

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            • TheBlindInquisitor

              what was high school like back then?

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  • CDmale4fem

    Elvis passed in 1977 and the twin brother also born, but died sadly at birth.

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  • megadriver

    No, Elvis is not dead, he just went home.

    Hahahahaha! I got to make this comment! I'm proud as fuck, now I will proceed to press the little red button and drive my POS Ford Crown Victoria home, upside down in a tunnel, listening to Elvis's Promised land on an 8-track.

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  • MrsEdGein

    He's been dead and buried since 1977.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      thats just what they want you to think

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  • zarabell

    how does the Datura treat you?? I'm really interested, since it's dangerous and whatnot

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  • bogbrush


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  • jethro

    no. He's dead.

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  • Bobtailcatgirl

    Could just be an elvis look a like there's alot of those.

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