Is fearing that a fart might slip while talking to a girl normal?

I know that everyone farts including every girl ugly or hot. It doesn't matter if I have a crush on her or know her as a friend I would be embarrassed about it. Sometimes while I'm around girls or talking to one I get the urge to fart. If I'm around my guy friends I don't care, But if I'm in front of a girl I won't. I always thought girls thought of farting as gross and wouldn't want to be around you even though I know some girls don't mind dropping ass where ever. If you were a girl and a guy you were talking to farted how would you respond to it? Please leave a comment.

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90% Normal
Based on 73 votes (66 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • Energy

    I've always learned to hold it in when I'm with ANYBODY. I just really hate the smell, sound, and the feel of it.

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    • Hoohahohyahhh

      But its so good for you! Like taking vitamins except RELEASINGGGGGGGGGGGG hahas when I'm at home I go crazy with it and I try to make it as loud as I can but when I'm around company I'll hold it til my face turns purple. :P

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      • Energy

        I just can't stand the smell!

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  • I save most of my farts for when I am around other people so we can all enjoy them.

    Is it Normal ?

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    • artsy

      ewww thats disgusting
      why do i think ur my brother....

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  • purpledino8

    GET Gas-x

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  • Lucyg123

    It depends if it a guy girl group or you and a girl as long as it doesn't smell they might think it funny

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    • doxies4life

      Thanks! That sounds more settling than if she were to be grossed out.

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  • tiffunny5

    Lol You must read my question I posted about a week ago.
    I believe its in the fear category Under- Iin that I am so afraid that my husband of 15 years will hear me fart. Read the comments !!
    Im not sure Ill just start farting around him now lol. BUTT, the comments were helpful.

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    • doxies4life

      Wow after reading that I don't know if it's gonna be me or my girlfriend that gonna break the ice on farting first. Chances are it's gonna be her I would be to afraid it'll gross her out.

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      • tiffunny5

        Just for the record, I'm in my 30's and you are the First guy I Have Ever talked about farting with, and it wasn't all that bad LOL. Probably because we both think its So disgusting !
        If people fart around me I
        Ignor it.

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        • doxies4life

          I don't really find farting disgusting unless it smells terrible. I try to be considerate of others but if it's with my friends I don't really care to much lol.

          Ignoring a fart would deffinetly be a lot less embarrassing rather than making a fuss over it. You aren't the first or the last woman I'll talk about farting with lol. I'm deffinetly glad I'm not alone with it being embarrassing to rip on in front of the opposite sex.

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  • karmasAbich

    Of course it is normal. I'm sure it a lot more common than you realize

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  • bethclaire

    i love smelling farts!! it turns me on...add me on facebook "claire horn"

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  • GeneVille

    "I save most of my farts for when I am around other people so we can all enjoy them???!!!!!!! WTH !! hahaha....I literally cried with laughter when I read this!! haha I can't say wheather its normal or not..

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  • one_who_wonders

    are you by any chance related to larry the cable guy?

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    • doxies4life

      Nope. But if I was I don't think I would have posted this.

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